目录 Chapter 1 Introduction: History of AmericaChapter 2 U.S. Immigration and Ethnic GroupsChapter 3 American ValuesChapter 4 American FamiliesChapter 5 American WomenChapter 6 Religion in AmericaChapter 7 Education in the United StatesChapter 8 The U.S.EconomyChapter 9 American Government and PoliticsChapter 10 Social Welfare in the United StatesChapter 11 United States Foreign PolicyChapter 12 Crime in AmericaChapter 13 Leisure in AmericaChapter 14 American SportsChapter 15 Music in AmericaChapter 16 Mass Media in America 作者介绍 徐婷婷,四川外国语学院讲师,主要研究领域为美国社会与文化;Timothy Hoffman 美籍教师;石俊杰 四川大学国际政治专业博士,教授。 序言