基本信息 书名:成功写作入门 定价:65.00元 作者:埃里克(Jean Wyrick) 著 出版社:北京大学出版社 出版日期:2008-09-01 ISBN:9787301142509 字数:820000 页码:594 版次:1 装帧:平装 开本:12开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 作者简介:Jean Wynck是美国科罗拉多州立大学的荣誉退休教授,曾任该校写作教研部主任11年之久。她有丰富的教学经验,在近30年的教学生涯中,主讲过本科英语写作课、培训过英语写作教师并担任多项写作研究项目的负责人。此外,她还著有“The Rinehart Reader”和“Discovering Ideas”等著作。她曾发表了二十多篇关于写作和美国文学方面的论文。目前她研究的主要内容包括19世纪晚期和20世纪初的美国小说、美国研究以及妇女研究。她出版的三本大学写作教材都曾多次再版。 内容提要 《成功写作入门》于1979年首次出版,已再版十次,盛销不衰。本书内容丰富,与写作相关的概念和步骤,都佐以具体事例进行清晰明了的讲解。作者熟悉和了解当代大学生,以其为背景的素材,信手拈来。作者引导读者循序渐进地进行学习和练习英语写作。书中大量的学生习作和专家范文相得益彰。每章后的练习和作业都与正文内容相匹配,帮助教师及时检查学生是否掌握了所学内容。 传统的大学写作课程、教材或写作手册往往枯燥、生硬、充满了条条框框,令学生望而生畏,本书作者则文笔流畅,语调风趣、幽默,循循善诱,对所讲内容深入浅出,娓娓道来,引人入胜。此外,本书版面设计新颖,精选的图片有助于学生放松心情,活跃思维,激发他们写作的愿望与创作的激情。 目录 List of ArtworksList of AdvertisementsTo the TeacherAcknowledgmentsTo the StudentPart One The Basics of the Short Essay 1 Prewriting Getting Started (or Soup-Can Labels Can Be Fascinating) Selecting a Subject Finding Your Essay's Purpose and Focus Pump-Primer Techniques After You've Found Your Focus Practicing What You've Learned Discovering Your Audience How to Identify Your Readers Practicing What You've Learned Assignment Keeping a Journal (Talking to Yourself Does Help) Chapter I Summary 2 The Thesis Statement What Is a Thesis? What Does a "Working Thesis" Do? Can a "Working Thesis" Change? Guidelines for Writing a Good Thesis Avoiding Common Errors in Thesis Statements Practicing What You've Learned Assignment Using the Essay Map Practicing What You've Learned Assignment Chapter 2 Summary 3 The Body Paragraphs Planning the Body of Your Essay Composing the Body Paragraphs The Topic Sentence Focusing Your Topic Sentence Placing Your Topic Sentence Practicing What You've Learned Assignment Applying What You've Learned toYour Writing Paragraph Development Paragraph Length Practicing What You've Learned Assignment Applying What You've Learned toYour Writing Paragraph Unity Practicing What You've Learned Applying What You've Learned to Your Writing Paragraph Coherence Practicing What You've Learned Paragraph Sequence Transitionetween Paragraphs Applying What You've Learned to Your Writing Chapter 3 Summary 4 Beginnings and Endings How to Write a Good Lead-in Avoiding Errors in Lead-ins Practicing What You've Learned Assignment How to Write a Good Concluding Paragraph Avoiding Errors in Conclusions Practicing What You've Learned Assignment How to Write a Good Title Practicing What You've Learned Assignment Applying What You've Learned toYour Writing Chapter 4 SummaryPart Two Purposes,Modes,and StrategiesPart Three Special AssignmentsPart Four A Concise Handbook 作者介绍 JeanWynck,是美国科罗拉多州立大学的荣誉退休教授,曾任该校写作教研部主任11年之久。她有丰富的教学经验,在近30年的教学生涯中,主讲过本科英语写作课、培训过英语写作教师并担任多项写作研究项目的负责人。此外,她还著有“TheRinehartReader”和“DiscoveringIdeas”等著作。她曾发表了二十多篇关于写作和美国文学方面的论文。目前她研究的主要内容包括19世纪晚期和20世纪初的美国小说、美国研究以及妇女研究。她出版的三本大学写作教材都曾多次再版。 序言