内容提要 《韩礼德文集8:汉语语言研究》是“韩礼德文集”之《汉语语言研究》英文版,在本卷中,韩礼德教授对中世纪汉语和现代汉语,普通话和广东话,就语法范畴、词汇学,音韵学等方面来描述现代汉语系统,奠定了系统功能语言学框架在普通语言学中的基础,他在汉语语法或然率的先驱性工作和他对语法隐喻的观察资料宣告了当代语料库语言学和语篇语言学的全盛时期。 目录 PrefaceAcknowledgementsPART ONE1VIEDIEVAL CHINESE GRAMMAREditor's Introduction1The Language of the Chinese "Secret History ofthe Mongols"(1959)1The text2Method of analysis3Contextualization4Graphic analysis5Script and language6Grammar7Lexis8Phonology and transcription9AppendicesAA phonological (prosodic) analysis of the new Chinese syllable (Modern Pekingese)BSpecimen analysis and translationCStatistical tablesDLexical translation forms collocation of Mongolian namesESuggested emendationsFChinese syllabary and table of charactersPART TWOMODERN CHINESE GRAMMAREditor's Introduction2Temporal Categories in the Modern Chinese Verb (with J. O. Ellis, 1951)3Grammatical Categories in Modern Chinese (1956)4Some Lexicogrammatical Features of the Dialects of the Pearl River DeltaPART THREECHINESE PHONOLOGYEditor's Introduction5The Origin and Early Development of Chinese Phonological Theory (1981)6A Systemic Interpretation of Peking Syllables (1992)PART FOURGRAMMAR AND DISCOURSEEditor's Introduction7 Grammatical Metaphor in English and Chinese (1984)8 Analysis of Scientific Texts in English and Chinese (1993)9 On the Grammatical Foundations of Discourse (2001)AppendixBibliographyIndex 作者介绍