Focus.时事聚焦 Graduation blues 毕业季=失业季?读大学究竟值不值? Mlprovingthe safety ofour road network 交通安全:需要的不只是新交规 Driving test·no easy task 国外考驾照关卡层层 ‘ Smart design is the key to saving lives 交通智能化:降低交通事故的新出路 Getting tougher on drunken driving 对酒驾说“不” Think twice before you check your phone 开车接电话代价有点大 Modem society pays tributes to classics 经典恒久弥新:纪念简·奥斯汀 When the ordinary becomes universal 奥斯汀的独特视角 FromRomanticto romance 达西:女性读者心目中的真命天子 Wakeup call for returnee students “海归”还是“香饽饽”吗? Record numbers come back to nest 国外求职难多数海归学成回国 Unusual story:from Yale to grassroots “耶鲁哥”回国当村官:小伙儿的中国梦 US is no longer the land of opportunities 美国还是实现梦想的“黄金地”吗? Our eating habits are causing a global crisis 高校食堂浪费严重,一起来“光盘”行动吧 Get readyforavegetarian future 面对未来可能的肉类短缺要做好吃素准备了吗? Dumpster divers say it’S a lifestyle choice 发达国家不消费主义者热衷垃圾回收利用 No excuse for wasting our precious crops 餐桌上的浪费触目惊心 Is the CCTV gala losing its charm? 你还在看春晚吗? WhatdoyoungpeoplethinkabouttheSpringFestival showasitistoday? 年轻人聊春晚 TV programs can be more than just a tradition at family gatherings 家庭欢聚时刻,电视节目锦上添花 It’S a world of water 饮水安全引关注,今天你饮水了吗? International standards for consumption 自来水标准不一,部分发达国家自来水可直接饮用 It’S clean,but is it really healthy? 关于自来水的辩论:你喝的水是否健康 Students find household sewage is polluting rivers 生活污水直接入河?大学生调查小组很着急 Women speakup 女性职场遭歧视,为维权勇敢发声 Student’S complaint sets a strong precedent 女大学生求职遭歧视,投诉后获赔偿 Headache or blessing? 女性怀孕后遭公司委劝离职,就业歧视趋向隐形 Whitemen enjoy a smoothride 在美国白人男性赚得最多? Know your online rights 网购虽易,防范不易:且购且珍惜 Shop overseas the smart way 网购海外商品面面观 Using middle agents makes it possible 海外代购靠谱吗?’ Facingthefuture alone 新一代独生子女能否独当一面? Are‘onlies’different? 独生子女究竟有什么不一样? Educated,but also vulnerable 独生子女之痛 Finalists show their strength 各地选手逐鹿“21世纪”英语演讲比赛,冠军坦言逻辑思维最重要 Advice on engaging audience 专家指导英语演讲:不仅关乎英语水平 Life is aboutthe roadnotyettaken 冠军演讲:生活是关于那条未选之路 …… Opinion观点交锋 Culture文化视野 Campus青春校园 Career前程无限 Extra Credit美文赏析 Entertainment娱乐时空