作者介绍 作者:(美国)西尔伯沙茨(Abraham Silberschatz) (美国)科思(Henry F.Koah) (美国)苏达尔善(S.Sudarshan) 序言 Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Database-System Applications1.2 Purpose of Database Systems1.3 View of Data1.4 Database Languages1.5 Relational Databases1.6 Database Design1.7 Data Storage and Querying1.8 TransactioManagement1.9 Database Architecture1.1 0 Data Mining and InformatioRetrieval1.1 1 Specialty Databases1.1 2 Database Users and Administrators1.1 3 History of Database Systems1.1 4 SummaryExercisesBibliographical NotesPART ONE RELATIONAL DATABASESChapter 2 Introductioto the Relational Model2.1 Structure of Relational Databases2.2 Database Schema 422.3 Keys2.4 Schema Diagrams2.5 Relational Query Languages2.6 Relational Operations2.7 SummaryExercisesBibliographical NotesChapter 3 Introductioto SQL3.1 Overview of the SQL Query Language3.2 SQL Data Definition3.3 Basic Structure of SQL Queries3.4 Additional Basic Operations3.5 Set Operations3.6 Null Values3.7 Aggregate Functions3.8 Nested Subqueries3.9 Modificatioof the Database3.10 SummaryExercisesBibliographical NotesChapter 4Intermediate SQL4.1 JoiExpressions4.2 Views4.3 Transactions4.4 Integrity Constraints4.5 SQL Data Types and Schemas4.6 Authorization4.7 SummaryExercisesBibliographical NotesChapter 5 Advanced SQL5.1 Accessing SQL From a Programming Language5.2 Functions and Procedures5.3 Triggers5.4 Recursive Queries5.5 Advanced AggregatioFeatures5.6 OLAP5.7 SummaryExercisesBibliographical NotesChapter 6 Formal Relational Query Languages6.1 The Relational Algebra6.2 The Tuple Relational Calculus6.3 The DomaiRelational Calculus6.4 SummaryExercisesBibliographical NotesPART TWO DATABASE DESIGNChapter 7 Database Desigand the E-R Model7.1 Overview of the DesigProcess7.2 The Entity-Relationship Model7.3 Constraints7.4 Removing Redundant Attributes iEntity Sets7.5 Entity-Relationship Diagrams7.6 Reductioto Relational Schemas7.7 Entity-Relationship DesigIssues7.8 Extended E-R Features7.9 Alternative Notations for Modeling Data7.10 0ther Aspects of Database Design7.11 SummaryExercisesBibliographical Notes……PART THREE DATA STORAGE AND QUERYINGPART FOUR TRANSACTION MANAGEMENTPART FIVE SYSTEM ARCHITECTUREPART SIX DATA WAREHOUSING, DATA MINING AND INFORMATION RETRIEVALPART SEVEN SPECIALTY DATABASESPART EIGHT ADVANCED TOPICSPART NINE CASE STUDIESPART TEN APPENDICES