内容提要 党的十八大以来,亲自运筹外交工作的顶层设计和战略谋划,提出了一系列新思想新理念新战略,形成了具有鲜明特色的外交思想体系,开创了中国特色大国外交的崭新局面。本书围绕人类命运共同体这一外交思想的核心,探讨解决当今世界和平与发展问题的中国方案。本书认为:构建人类命运共同体思想具有深邃的战略视野和鲜明的中国特色;建立以合作共赢为核心的新型靠前关系与构建人类命运共同体的思想一脉相承、互为补充,阐明了新时期中国外交的原则性立场;践行正确义利观是外交思想的价值取向,为探索中国特色大国外交之路确立了道义基础;引领优选治理体制变革和推进“一带一路”建设,是外交思想的重大实践创新,是构建人类命运共同体的系统工程。 目录 Introduction Xi Jinpings Diplomatic Thought and the Innovation of Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese CharacteristicsChapter One Forging the Concept of a Community of Shared Future for Mankind1.The proposition and connotations of the idea of "a community of shared future for mankind"2.The origin of the concept of a community of shared future for mankind3.The realistic foundation of building a community of shared future for mankind4.Establishing the path to a community of shared future for mankind5.The significance of forging a community of shared future for mankind in the contemporary worldChapter Two Establishing a New Model of International Relations Featuring Win-Win Cooperation1.The proposition and connotations of a new model of international relations2.Peace, development, cooperation and win-win result becoming the trend of the times3.Firmly and unswervingly following the path of peaceful development4.Maintaining Chinas friendly relations with neiorhood countries5.Building a new model of major-country relationsChapter Three Implementing the Values of Friendship, Justice and Shared Interests1.The proposition and connotations of the values of friendship, justice and shared interests2.The inheritance and innovation in implementing the values of friendship, justice and shared interests3.Strengthening the solidarity and cooperation with developing countries4.Fulfilling the obligations of a responsible major countryChapter Four Leading the Reform of the Global Governance System1.The proposition of the reform of the global governance system2.Chinas opportunities in leading the reform of the global governance system3.Strengthening Chinas contribution to the reform of the global governance system4.Chinas innovation to promote the reform of the global governance systemChapter Five Advancing the Belt and Road Construction1.The proposition of the Belt and Road Initiative2.The blueprint of the Belt and Road construction3.Opportunities and challenges for the Belt and Road Initiative4.The progress and fruits of the Belt and Road Initiative5.The significance of constructing the Belt and Road 作者介绍 陈岳 中国人民大学国际关系学院教授,兼任教育部高等学校政治学类专业教学指导委员会副主任、全国高校国际政治研究会理事长。主要讲授“国际政治学概论”“国际关系理论研究”等学科基础课程。主要研究领域包括国际关系理论、当代国际关系、中国对外关系的理论与实践。著有《中国的周边外交》(1997)、《国际政治经济学概论》(1999,合著)、《国际政治学概论》(2006第二版、2010第三版)、《中国国际地位分析》(2002)、《国际政治学学科地图》(2016,主编)等,发表学术论文数十篇。 序言