基本信息 书名:英语语音学 定价:18元 作者:张庆宗,吴喜艳 主编 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 出版日期:2012-10-01 ISBN:9787300162218 字数:208000 页码:125 版次:1 装帧:平装 开本:16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《概念•高等院校英语专业系列教材:英语语音学》不仅介绍语言学的核心理论,如语音、形态、句法、语义等基础理论,又较全面介绍语言学相关知识。同时,还将重要的知识点编成强化训练题,对教材的部分内容加以补充,以便于学生学习和掌握教材中的关键内容,可以帮助学生课外学习。 内容提要 《英语语音学》系统介绍英语语音和音位的理论与知识,每一个术语或观点都用实例来演示。每个章节之后附有练习和阅读书目,用以加强语音训练和巩固理论知识。《英语语音学》通俗易懂,侧重语音实践,具有很强的可教性与可学性。 目录 Chapter 1 Acoustics and Articulation 1.1 Speech perception 1.1.1 Definition of speech perception 1.1.2 Acoustic cues 1.1.3 Perception of continuous speech 1.1.4 Theories of speech perception 1.2 Speech production 1.2.1 The stages of speech production 1.2.2 The speech chain 1.2.3 Orga of speech 1.2.4 Articulatory description of speech sounds Summary Exercises Further readingChapter 2 The English Pronunciation and Phonetic Tracriptio 2.1 Received Pronunciation (RP) 2.2 General American (GA) 2.3 Pronunciation differences between Received Pronunciation andGeneral American 2.3.1 Vowel differences 2.3.2 Coonantal differences 2.4 Phonetic tracriptio and the International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA) 2.4.1 Why do people use phonetic tracription? 2.4.2 Introduction to IPA 2.4.3 Diacritics 2.4.4 Broad and narrow tracriptio Summary Exercises Further readingChapter 3 English Coonants 3.1 The manne of articulation 3.2 The places of articulation 3.3 Teaching of coonants Summary Exercises Further readingChapter 4 English Vowels 4.1 The Cardinal Vowel system 4.2 The criteria of vowel description 4.3 The classification of vowels 4.4 Teaching of vowels Summary Exercises Further readingChapter 5 Phonemes and Phonology 5.1 Phonetics and phonology 5.2 Phonemic system 5.2.1 Phoneme 5.2.2 Phonological rules 5.3 Distinctive features 5.4 Allophone 5.4.1 Phonemic contrast 5.4.2 Complementary distribution 5.4.3 Free variation Summary Exercises Further readingChapter 6 Syllables and Suprasegmental Features 6.1 Syllable 6.1.1 Phonological structure of a syllable 6.1.2 Classification of syllables 6.2 Stress 6.2.1 Word stress 6.2.2 Sentence stress 6.3 Strong forms and weak forms 6.4 Length 6.5 Rhythm 6.6 Pitch 6.7 Intonation and tone 6.7.1 Types of intonation 6.7.2 Functio and uses of intonation 6.7.3 Tone Summary Exercises Further readingReferences 作者介绍 作者:张庆宗、吴喜艳 编者:何其莘、(美)杨孝明 序言