内容摘要 书名:Toes Ears Nose鼻子耳朵小脚丫 适读年龄:3-4岁 作者:Marion Dane Bauer(作者),Karen Katz(绘者) 出版社名称:LittleSimon 出版时间:2003 语种:英文 ISBN:9780689847127 商品尺寸:16.8 x0.9 x18.7 cm 包装:纸板书 页数:12 Toes Ears Nose《鼻子耳朵小脚丫》为英文原版,适合3-4岁的宝宝英语启蒙,有助于孩子更好地认识自己的身体部位及五官。 推荐理由: 1.英文原版纸板书,色彩鲜明,画风简单可爱,适于低幼读者; 2.句式重复,文字押韵,节奏明快,念起来琅琅上口; 3.翻翻页设计精妙,充满趣味,赋予书本阅读和游戏双重特性; 4.圆角设计,绿色印刷,让阅读更加安心! This lift-the-flap adventure is an introduction to various body parts, with fingers behind mittens, toes inside boots, two ears under a hat, etc. A multicultural crew of children with playful expressions on their faces is dressed in jeans, a coat, even sunglasses decorated in bright polka-dotted, striped, and flowery patterns; colors include hot pink, sunshine yellow, spring green, and ruby red. A cheerful board book to use with lapsit and toddler storytimes. Help Baby discover toes, ears, nose, and more in this lift-the-flap book by Marion Dane Bauer and illustrated by Karen Katz! Inside my boots I’ve got toes, and beneath my scarf is a... Baby is bundled in a mountain of clothes! Peek under the flaps of clothing to find out what’s underneath, and play this fun peekaboo book again and again! 靴子里面,是我的小脚丫。 围巾底下,是我的鼻子。 马里恩·丹·鲍尔,美国知名童书作家,《出事的那一天》(On My Honor)获得1987年的纽伯瑞奖,是她最受欢迎的作品,至今许多学校采用这本书作为阅读教材。另外,《你的故事什么样》(What’s Your Story)是一本谈论写作的书,曾获得美国图书馆协会的好书奖。其他较为著名的作品还包括:《信任问题》(A Question of Trust)、《像妈妈又像女儿》(Like Mother like Daughter)、《我忧愁吗?》(Am I Blue)等等。她还获得过美国明尼苏达州书奖、简·亚当斯和平协会奖、明尼苏达大学艾威·可蓝大奖,还有无数儿童选择奖。 Marion Dane Bauer is the author of many books for young readers, including the Newbery Honor book On My Honor and the New York Times bestseller My Mother Is Mine. Her other titles include A Mama for Owen, If You Were Born a Kitten, Grandmother’s Song, and the forthcoming Thank You for Me! Marion is on the faculty of the Vermont College MFA program in writing for children and young adults. She lives in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, and can be reached at mariondanebauer.com. 卡伦·卡茨,是美国有名的低幼读物作家、布艺设计师、图形艺术家。曾前往意大利泰勒艺术学院进修,后毕业于耶鲁艺术与建筑学院。她对世界各地的民间艺术有着浓厚的兴趣,其作品也融合了不同的视觉元素和创作技法。她已出版的儿童书有几十种之多,在美国畅销多年,尤其是翻翻书。 Karen Katzhas written and illustrated more than fifty picture books and novelty books including the bestsellingWhere Is Baby’s Belly Button? After graduating from the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia, she attended the Yale Graduate School of Art and Architecture where she became interested in folk art, Indian miniatures, Shaker art and Mexican art. Her book,Counting Kisses, was a Children’s Book-of-the-Month Club Main Selection and an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio 2002 Gold Seal Award Winner. Karen, husband, Gary Richards, and their daughter, Lena, divide their time between New York City and Saugerties, New York. 1234567