内容摘要 This long-awaited Norton Critical Edition of Aphra Behn s best-known and most influential work makes available the original 1688 text, the only text published in her lifetime. The editor supplies explanatory annotations and textual notes. "Historical Backgrounds" is an especially rich collection of seventeenth-and eighteenth-century documents about colonizers and slaves in the new world. Topically arranged-"Montaigne on America," "The Settling of Surinam," "Observers of Slavery, 1654 1712," "After Oroonoko: Noble Africans in Europe," and "Opinions on Slavery"-these selections create a revealing context for Behn s unusual story. Illustrations and maps are also included. "Criticism" begins with an overview of responses to Behn and Oroonoko, from learned and popular writers of her time to Sir Walter Scott and Virginia Woolf, among others. Current critical interpretations are by William C. Spengemann, Jane Spencer, Robert L. Chibka, Laura Brown, Charlotte Sussman, and Mary Beth Rose. A Chronology of Behn's life and a Selected Bibliography are included. 没有任何经典文学版本堪与诺顿经典文学评论版本的编辑标准相媲美。 诺顿经典文学评论版本不仅收录了所能找到的zui权威文本,还附有从作品首次出版至今的众多名家评论、作者亲笔和友人书信。其翔实的背景资料和丰富的评论内容有助于读者更加深入了解作品。诺顿经典文学评论系列的每一本书都经过认真编辑和一流翻译,附有详细的注释、精选的参考书目,有助于学生进一步学习研究。 诺顿经典文学评论系列备受教师青睐,更是学生的首选,其优秀的编辑标准、翔实的内容赢得了教学界和学术界一致好评,已广泛应用于世界各地2500多个大学和学院。 本系列丛书均采用无酸纸张印刷。