李天王上当了 Li Tianwang Gets Tricked 小圣和小能变成玛瑙猴和翡翠猪,一路被老管家带进天王府。老管家见到李天王,赶紧说明两件礼物的好处:“这玛瑙猴会说‘恭喜’,翡翠猪会说‘发财’。一点钟时说一遍,现在快到两点钟了,会说两遍。” Little Sage and Little Able had become an Agate Monkey and a Jade Pig, and were being taken to Li Tianwang's by Yang Jian's butler. When the butler finally met Li Tianwang, he hurriedly began introducing his gifts: "This Agate Monkey can say 'Gong Shee' every hour and the Jade Pig will say 'Fa Tsai' right after. At one, they will say it once. It's almost two, so you can hear them say it twice."
李天王有点儿不相信。 Something this special, Li Tianwang just couldn't believe it.
不一会儿,到了两点整。 Soon it was two o'clock.
玛瑙猴先开口:“恭喜!恭喜!” The Agate Monkey opened its mouth saying: "Gong Shee! Gong Shee!"
翡翠猪接着说:“发财!发财!” Followed by the Jade Pig who said: "Fa Tsai!Fa Tsai!"
“哈,真是一对好宝贝!” "Ha! They really are a pair of treasures!" exclaimed Li Tianwang.
老管家走后,李天王爱惜地将玛瑙猴和翡翠猪捧在手里,只等三点一到,听它们连说三遍“恭喜”“发财”。 The butler excused himself and Li Tianwang lovingly held the two jewels in his hands, waiting for three o'clock to hear them chime again.
总算到了三点。 Finally, the moment came.
又是玛瑙猴先开口:“不要脸!不要脸!不要脸!” The Agate Monkey opened his mouth: "So Shameful! So Shameful! So Shameful!"
翡翠猪接着说:“真恶心!真恶心!真恶心!” The Jade Pig followed, saying: "So Disgusting! So Disgusting! So Disgusting!"
“呸!”李天王大怒,一扬左手,玛瑙猴被狠狠摔下,“砰”的一声,不但没碎,反而弹起老高,把李天王的额头撞出一个大包。 "Pah!" cursed Li Tianwang, and he threw down the two jewels, but not only did they fail to break, but they also bounced back. "BANG!" and hit him in the face. A big bump grew on his forehead.
李天王不敢举右手再摔了,他只得将翡翠猪小心地放到地上,准备使劲儿踩碎它。但就在他抬脚要踩的一刹那,翡翠猪变成了豪猪。 He didn't dare do that again. Instead, he gently placed them on the ground and got ready to stomp them to pieces. Just as his foot came down, the Jade Pig became a Jade Porcupine.
“哎哟哇啦!”李天王的脚底踩出很整齐的几排洞眼。 "OUCH!!!"Li Tianwang pulled his foot back, with many even rows of holes stabbed in the bottom.
趁乱,小圣和小能溜出了天王府。 In the confusion, Little Sage and Little Able escaped from the Li's residence.
小能说:“李天王真活该!” "Li Tianwang really got what he deserved!" said Little Able.
小圣提议:“咱们再赶回二郎神那儿,还有好戏看呢。” "Let's hurry back to Yang Jian's place. I think there'll be a show to see." said Little Sage.
想想吧,李天王吃了这么大的苦头,怎肯轻易罢休。他一边包扎着伤脚,一边骂骂咧咧:“好一个二郎神,送这样的礼物来捉弄我,我要找你算账!” Just think, Li Tianwang was made a fool of. No way would he just let it go. While he wrapped up his injured foot, he began to curse Yang Jian: "That Er Long Immortal! Some friend he is, sending me these gifts as some kind of sick joke! I'll have to go come after him!"
可那二郎神还蒙在鼓里,听说李天王来了,连忙出门迎接。 However, Yang Jian had no idea what had happened. When he heard Li Tianwang had arrived at his home, he rushed out to welcome him.
看见李天王一副狼狈相,杨戬很奇怪:“老兄怎么了?拄着拐杖裹着脚,头上鼓鼓的一个大包?” It was then that Yang Jian saw the sad shape that his friend was in and thought it was strange." My brother, what happened to you? Why do have a cane? Why is your foot bandaged like that and your head so swollen?"
李天王说:“鼓鼓的好看呢,也给你来一个吧。”说着伸手一杖——“啪!”杨戬额头顿时也长出一个大包。 "Swollen bumps look good! Let me give you one too!" Li Tianwang said as he raised his cane to smack Yang Jian in the head.
杨戬被打得糊里糊涂。既已打开了头,便也叫人拿来三尖两刃刀,以牙还牙,有来有往。 Yang Jian was hit so hard he became dizzy. As soon as he was clear again he called for his three pointed sword and the two friends began to fight viciously, taking an eye for an eye and tooth for tooth.
两人一连斗了三百个回合。李天王说:“打累了!” They fought for nearly 300 rounds. Finally, Li Tianwang said: "No more, I'm tired!"
杨戬说:“那就骂一会儿再打。” "Then let's insult each other for a while and then continue." suggested Yang Jian.
李天王同意了。他俩便坐到地上,对骂起来。 Li Tianwang agreed, and they sat on the ground and began to shout insults back and forth.
李天王骂道:“我帮你办了那么多偷天换日的事,你就给我这样的礼物?真是恩将仇报!” "After I helped you pull off such a ridiculous ruse, how could you give me such awful gifts? You really know how to bite the hand that feeds you!" yelled Li Tianwang.
二郎神回敬道:“你是狼心狗肺。你还嫌不够意思?我哪一次亏待过你?” "You're such a heartless and ungrateful friend! How much is enough? When have I ever treated you poorly?" replied Yang Jian.
小圣和小能一直在暗处当观众,这时小能忍不住插嘴喊道:“别吵了,你们两个都不是好东西!” Little Sage and Little Able had been watching quietly the whole time and finally couldn't hold back their laughter. "Enough! You're both a couple of useless fools!" they shouted together."
杨戬这才怪叫一声:“我们上当了,一定是这两个小坏蛋捣的鬼!抓住他们!” At last, Yang Jian understood: "We've been duped! It must have been those two brats playing tricks! CATCH THEM!"
小圣和小能平时就喜欢追来追去,现在见竟有大人肯在后面追,那就更起劲儿了。 Usually the boys love the chasing game, but in this case they were being chased by a couple of angry adults so they ran as fast as they could.
他俩跑哇跑,跑到一家人家门前,小能说:“这是谁家?门这么高!” They ran and ran until they reach the front gate of an enormous residence. "Who lives here? The door is so tall!" said Little Able.
“谁说的?”里面有人弓着腰走出来,“我还嫌门矮呢。” "Says who?" answered a booming voice inside. Bending over to fit through the door, he came out, "I think my door is too short!"
小圣和小能一看,这个高大极了的人他们认识,原来是巨灵神。 Little Sage and Little Able realized, this super tall man was someone they already knew. It was Giant Immortal!
巨灵神叹口气说:“个子长得太大也不好。碗嫌小了,一碗只能吃一口,一顿要吃一百碗,多麻烦。脸盆也太小,一盆只能洗个鼻子,一张脸要分十次洗。澡盆呢,只放得下我一只脚!” The Giant Immortal breathed a heavy sigh: "Being big has its problems," he told them, "my rice bowl is so small, it can only fit one mouth full. Take a bite, fill my bowl. Each time I have my dinner, I have to do this a hundred times! My washing basin is too small too. Only enough water to wash my nose! Each time I wash my face, I have to fill the basin 10 times! And my bath tub? I can barely fit my foot inside it."
小圣很同情巨灵神,他说:“我给您想办法。您可以把澡盆当脸盆,把脸盆当碗,就不会嫌小了。 Little Sage felt sorry for the big giant. "I'll help you think of a solution. You can use your bath tub as a washing basin, and your washing basin as a rice bowl, then you won't think they're too small." he told his tall friend.
“没有澡盆了,您可以到天河里洗澡,”小能补充说,“反正您个子高,淹不死的。” "Without a bathtub, you could take a bath in Heaven River." Little Able added cleverly, "Anyway, you're so tall you don't have to worry about drowning."
巨灵神说:“谢谢你们的好主意。可是原来的这只碗派什么用场呢?” "Thank you for your good ideas," the loud giant whispered, "but what should I do with my old rice bowl?"
小圣告诉巨灵神:“可以让我们躲在里面,因为杨戬和李天王要捉我们。” Little Sage explained to the Giant Immortal: "We're trying to run from Yang Jian and Li Tianwang. Could you let us hide under that bowl?"
“好的。”巨灵神便将他的碗倒扣在桌子上,这碗小是小,但藏起小圣和小能来是宽敞有余了。 "Okay." the Giant Immortal answered. Then he turned the bowl upside down on the table. To the big giant, this was indeed a small bowl, but to Little Sage and Little Able it was big and roomy inside.
刚刚藏好,李天王和二郎神闯了进来。 As soon as they were hidden, Li Tianwang and Yang Jian burst in.
他们问:“巨灵神,两个小坏蛋藏在哪里?” "Giant Immortal, where are those two little rascals?" they asked him.
巨灵神答道:“除了你们二位,没看见什么坏蛋。” "The only rascals I've seen today are you two!" the giant bellowed at them.
杨戬说:“也许我能看见。”说着,他中间那只眼里射出一束强光,向屋子四角照来照去。 "Maybe I can see them." Yang Jian said aloud. From his third eye, he shot a powerful laser beam like an X-ray, which scanned around the room.