目录 Term 1 Leapfrog Bug buddies Bug escape Creepy castle Let's measure Robot repairs Yuan jiao and fen Mandla' s stuff Hungry hippos Party planner Wobbly worms Who is the tallest? Marvellous mystery Face to face Frog Olympics Pyramid Puzzles Fun February Term 2 Put it in the trash Camel cargo Code breakers Measure mass Bookworm Monster madness Take your pick Piece of cake Pirate's treasure Race track Butterfly beauties Welcome to the animals Tell the time Saving cents Rainy day Time challenge Monkey ladder races Heavy load Term 3 Catch a creature Clowning around Bottle play See-saw slims Make a date Double delight Choosing clothes Ready,steady,go Party time Balls galore! Blast off Where is Honey? Pizza palace Egyptian treasure Yahoo Zoo Zoo tally Money machine Beetle match Term 4 Soccer mania Let's bake muffins On time! Move it! Banking on it Roller coaster rides Tenpin bowling Who is thirsty? Jungle feast Catch the butterflies Midnight feast Hands and feet Notes