精彩内容 然而事情如果仅仅到此为止,那么这也不过是菲利普·卡兹为私人恩怨而快意恩仇的行为,未必能得到后人的真正尊重。不过他做出了一个让所有计算机用户都收益无穷的举动,那就是宣布开放ZIP格式,任何人都可以自由使用ZIP编码算法而不需要缴纳任何专利费用。这个决定终改变了压缩的世界,使得通用数据无损压缩领域再无法出现垄断的商业巨鳄,真正意义上帮助了每个需要压缩的计算机用户。凭借这个无私的行为,菲利普·卡兹真正成为他想成为的英雄。 2000年4月14日,年仪37岁的菲利普·卡兹被人发现倒毙在美国威斯康星州密尔沃基的一家汽车旅馆里,据说死因是慢性酒精中毒引起的并发症。这位天才程序员从未在ZIP身上得到半点好处,坚持信念的结果是潦倒的生活。他为世界贡献了一个伟大的免费软件,更为重要的是他缔造了一种大众化的压缩格式,然而他却过早的离开了这个世界。 During the process of multimedia communication development; some things really deserve us to member.The born process of ZIP data compression is one of them. The victory of a rebel—The born of ZIP When people were using DOS operating system, the computer storage space is very limited.At the time, people desired to death to have an efficient data compression software to use.For example, in 1984, one of the standard components of a personal computer is a 5.25inch floppy disk with 360kB capacity to save data.Each floppy disk cost money.If one can get the data compressed to several times smaller before the storage, one can absolutely save quite a bit money. For this reason, data compression software was highly desired.SEA developed the first ARC compression software using LZW algorithm under the MS—DOS environment.It was the predominate software under the MS—DOS environment.Technical speaking, ARC is a good software.But since it used patent algorithm, it is also a standard business software that charges whoever uses it.At the time, not many people who loves computer could afford it.At that time, most the computer lovers don't have that much money for something like floppy disks.But they love the computers.They have to think hard to find the way to get what they need and cost less.It is this hard thinking pushed the computer technology developed.The personal computer could be treated as a rebel compared with the main frames since the first day it was appeared.It's one of the reasons for personal computers developed quickly and shortly after became a pioneer.At this time, one young software developer, Phillip W.Katz dropped in and tried to change compression world. ……