目录 Unit 9 Accounting Unit 10 Corporate Takeover Unit 11 Debt Management Unit 12 Budget Management Unit 13 Corporate Governance Unit 14 Risk Management Unit 15 Cost Management Unit 16 Financial Strategy 总词汇表 参考文献
内容摘要 Some jurisdictions also permit the board of directors to appoint directors,either to fill a vacancy which arises on resignation or death,or as an addition to the existing directors. In practice,it can be quite difficult to remove a director by a resolution in general meeting.In many legal systems the director has a right to receive special notice of any resolution to remove him;the company must often supply a copy of the proposal to the director,who is usually entitled to be heard by the meeting.The director may require the company to circulate any representations that he wishes to make.Furthermore,the director’s contract of service will usually entitle him to compensation if he is removed,and may often include a generous”golden parachute”which also acts as a deterrent to removal. Exercise of powers The exercise by the board of directors of its powers usually occurs in meetings.Most legal systems...
精彩内容 《财务金融英语教程》(A Course in International Financial English)(分为上、下两册)是一套为学习财务金融专业英语,并提高财务金融专业英语水平而编写的教材。本教材既可作为各综合性大学、财经大学、经贸大学的财务、金融专业研究生和本科生的专业英语教材或各外语院校英语专业学生相关选修课的教材,也可以作为从事财务、审计、金融和外贸业务的各类专业人员提高英语水平的学习材料和参加各种财务金融英语证书[是剑桥财务英语证书International Certificate in Financial English(ICFE)]考试的教科书。 本教材共有十六个单元,上、下册各含八个单元,每个单元包括两个与财务、金融有关的专题,每一专题下有包括听、说、读、写四个语言技能的各类练习,并配有知识背景介绍、词汇注释、短语注释、专业术语注释。 本教材具有以下特点: 1,选材新颖 一本教材中的语言素材出自*的报纸杂志和相关网站,所含信息对教材使用者了解财务、金融的基本常识及当前财务、金融领域的*发展将有极大帮助。 2,练习形式多样化 书中各类练习目的明确、形式多样化,旨在提高学员在财务、金融语境中实际应用英语进行交际的能力。 3,听、说、读、写并重 目前,市场上各种财务英语和金融英语教材多侧重于阅读单项技能的提高,也有一些教材偏重于口语单项技能的提高。与目前市场上现有的财务金融英语教材相比,本教材注重全面提高学员的英语听、说、读、写四项语言技能,而不是只侧重于某项单项技能的提高。当然,本教材的听、说、读、写技能部分,也可以分开独立运用。