目录 序言 前言 Unit 1 Life Style 生活方式 1 Get Your Kicks on Route 66 领略66号公路的风光 2 People with Disabilities Achieve New Opportunities 残疾人获得新机会 3 Americans Celebrate Thanksgiving by Eating, Serving and ... Shopping? 美国人如何度过感恩节?就是大吃大喝,或者购物吗? 4 When Will Americans in Their Twenties Grow Up? 二十几岁的美国人何时才能长大? 5 Watching a Film in Your Car, before the Age of the Small Screen 在小屏幕时代来临前,先体验大屏汽车影院吧 6 New Ways Americans Save Money with Coupons 美国人用优惠券省钱的新方法 7 Delaying Marriage: Instead of "I Do", More Americans Say "Let's Wait" 美国晚婚族:“再等等”增加,“我愿意”减少 8 Fathers Who Cook: Food Trucks Roll across America 做饭的爸爸们:食品卡车席卷美国 9 Inside the World of Pawn Shops 当铺世界的奥秘 10 Americans and Their Pampered Pets 美国人和他们养尊处优的宠物们 11 Bicycling Brothers Search America for Community Spirit 自行车兄弟走遍美国探寻社区精神 12 Fighting Childhood Obesity 战胜儿童肥胖 13 Home Birth Movement Grows in the US 美国家中分娩运动的发展 14 Women Go to New Depths in the Navy 女性海军的新飞跃 Unit 2 Science & Technology 科技 1 Civilian Drones Raise Hopes in Africa 民用无人机给非洲带来希望 2 Study: Dogs Understand Emotions like Humans 研究:狗与人类情感相通 3 NYC Pursues Biotech Dream 纽约市追寻生物科技之梦 4 Monkeys Use Their Minds to Move Virtual Arms 猴子靠意识移动虚拟手臂 5 Facebook, Google Buy Two Indiabased Startups 脸书与谷歌收购两家印度初创企业 6 Prototype Solarpowered Cars Train Future Alternative Energy Experts 原型太阳能动力汽车催生未来替代能源专家 7 Activists Call for International Ban on Fully Autonomous Weapons 活动人士呼吁国际范围禁止使用完全自主武器 8 Voyager 1 Headed into Interstellar Space 旅行者1号进入星际空间 9 3D Printers Arrive in US Stores 3D打印机落户美国商店 10 Meteorologists Use Supercomputers to Help Predict the Weather 气象学家借助超级计算机的帮助来预报天气 11 Humanlike Robot Could Tackle Dangerous Situations 仿人机器人能够处理危险情况 12 Google Glass Raises Privacy Concerns 谷歌眼镜引发个人隐私忧虑 13 China's Tianhe 2 Supercomputer Takes No. 1 Ranking on TOP500 List 中国“天河二号”超级计算机荣登世界500强榜首 14 New Digital Library to Display World on the Internet 互联网上的新型世界数字图书馆 Unit 3 Education 教育 1 Study Finds Music Lessons Do Not Make Children Smarter 研究发现上音乐课并不会让儿童变聪明 2 US to Help Boost Haiti's Education System 美国帮助海地改善教育体系 3 SAT Revisions Could Hamper International Students SAT修订会对国际学生造成障碍 4 Dance Offers Street Children Path to Education 舞蹈为流浪儿童的教育铺路 5 American Universities Offer Scholarship for Engineering Students 美国的大学为工程专业学生提供奖学金 6 Reports Say Poor Quality Education Costing Billions Every Year 报道称低质量的教育每年消耗数十亿 7 African Educators Stress Millennium Development Goals 非洲教育学者强调教育千年发展目标 8 Civil War Keeps Many Syrian Children from School 叙利亚内战致儿童失学情况严重 9 Developing Curriculum Based on Student Writing 根据学生作品开发课程 10 IB Program Aims to Form "Students of the World" 国际文凭组织旨在培养“世界学生” 11 Study Reveals Economic Impact of Uneducated Children 研究揭示了失学儿童对经济的影响 12 Online Classes Might Revolutionize Colleges 网络公开课或将彻底改变高校 13 UNICEF Reported Good News about Education in Somalia 联合国儿童基金会报告索马里在教育方面的好消息 14 United Nations Report Urges "Putting Education to Work" 联合国报告敦促“教育应适应工作” Unit 4 Entertainment 娱乐 1 And, The Oscar Goes to... 奥斯卡奖落在…… 2 Bollywood Turns 100 宝莱坞迎来100周年诞辰 3 Vinyl Favored at DC Records Fair 黑胶唱片在华盛顿唱片集会上走俏 4 A New Way to Shop: The Fashion Truck 购物新途径:时尚卡车 5 Mike Tyson Hits Broadway 迈克·泰森进军百老汇 6 YouTube Play Creative Video Competition Draws 23000 Entries YouTube创意视频播放大赛吸引23000人参与 7 A New Picture Book Shows “What Darwin Saw” 一本新的图画书:与达尔文一同航行 8 Star Humanitarians Use Their Fame to Bring Attention to Causes 明星慈善家利用自身名望引发对公共事业的关注 9 Didn't You Use to Be Famous? 你不是曾经很有名吗? 10 Songs about Spring Can Be Happy or Sad 关于春天的歌可以是欢快的或悲伤的 11 The Afghan Youth Orchestra Performed in the United States 阿富汗青年管弦乐队在美国演出 12 Play for Millennials? Board Games 千禧一代盛行棋类游戏 13 Archery Shoots Up in Popularity among Americans 射箭在美国日渐流行 14 Super Bowl Sunday: Broncos Versus Seahawks 超级碗星期天:野马对战海鹰 Unit 5 Economy &Finance 经济财政 1 Rising Wealth Not Enough to Raise Child Health 财富增长不足以换来儿童健康 2 Global Economy Risks Jobless Recovery 全球经济面临新一轮失业风险 3 Bitcoin Creating Interest and Controversy 比特币引发关注与争议 4 UN: Rethink Economic Approach for Least Developed Countries 联合国:重新考虑欠发达国家的经济发展之道 5 UN Needs Billions to Help Millions 联合国需筹款数十亿救助数百万人口 6 World Bank: Developed Economies Gain Strength in 2014 世界银行:发达经济体2014年获得发展力量 7 IMF Lowers Its Outlook for World Economy 国际货币基金组织下调对世界经济的预期 8 World Not Prepared to Deal with the Fast Growth of Cities 世界尚未做好迎接快速城市化的准备 9 International Labor Organization Predicts Higher Unemployment 国际劳工组织预测失业人数将增多 10 Progress Reported in TPP Negotiations 跨太平洋伙伴关系谈判取得进展 11 G20 Leaders Promise Measures to Fight Global Recession 20国领导人承诺采取措施应对全球经济衰退 12 Study: South African Economy Grew Steadily over 2 Decades 研究显示南非经济过去20年稳步增长 13 EU May Help Mineral Exporters from Eastern Congo 欧盟可能扶持来自刚果东部的矿产出口商 14 Investors Concerned about US Debt Ceiling Crisis 投资者对美国债务上限危机表示担忧 Unit 6 Explorations 自然探索 1 People Showing Concern about Disappearing Plant Life 人们关注地球上正在消失的植物物种 2 Death Valley: A Beautiful but Dangerous Place 死亡谷:一个美丽又危险的地方 3 A Visit to Volcanoes National Park and Haleakala National Park 游览火山国家公园和哈莱阿卡拉国家公园 4 Explorer Andrew Skurka Takes Hiking to a New Level 杰出的徒步旅行家安德鲁·斯库尔卡 5 Blue Holes: Some of the Least Explored Areas on Earth 蓝洞:地球上人迹罕至之处 6 Cliffhanger: Rock Climbing as Sport and Art 攀岩者:攀岩是运动亦是艺术 7 The Grand Canyon: A True Wonder of the World 科罗拉多大峡谷:一个真正的世界奇迹 8 Visiting Endangered Places around the World 拜访世界各处的濒危地区 9 Yosemite: One of the Most Famous National Parks in the US 约塞米蒂:美国著名的国家公园之一 10 Under the Sea, Under the Fake Sea: Visiting Some Popular Aquariums 人工海底世界:拜访水族馆 11 Camping in America's National and State Parks 在美国国家和州立公园露营 12 A Trip along the Potomac River, One of America's Most Historic Waterways 美国历史悠久的河流——波托马克河之旅 13 The Mississippi 密西西比河 14 Mauna Kea in Hawaii: Astronomy on the World's Highest Island Mountain 夏威夷莫纳克亚山:世界高岛山上的天文学 Unit 7 Cultures & Arts 文化艺术 1 Modern Technology Helps Restore EI Greco's Famous Painting 现代科技助力修复埃尔·格列柯名画 2 Americans Chose Their Favorite Poems 美国人选出他们喜爱的诗 3 Women Grow Their Roles in Independent Film Making 女性在独立电影制作中地位提升 4 Lower East Side Tenement Museum Recreates Life in New York for Immigrants 100 Years Ago 下东区公寓博物馆再现100年前纽约移民的生活 5 Vietnamese Man Wants a "Book Revolution" in His Country 越南男子想在越南引发一场“图书革命” 6 Clowning Around 玩闹的小丑 7 Mob Museum Hits Vegas, but It's No Sure Bet 暴徒博物馆席卷拉斯维加斯,但争议仍然存在 8 Itzhak Perlman: A Citizen of the World, with His Violin as a Passport 伊萨克·帕尔曼:世界公民,小提琴就是他的护照 9 Music Helps Poor Children of Uganda 音乐帮助了乌干达的穷困儿童 10 New York Museum Show Just Crawling with Spiders 纽约博物馆展览遍地蜘蛛 11 Virginia Museum Show Features Glass Art Pioneer Dale Chihuly 弗吉尼亚州博物馆展览聚焦玻璃艺术先驱戴尔·奇休利 12 American Art Works Return to Nation's Capital 美国的艺术品重新回到首都 13 South Sudan Musicians Spread Message through Music 南苏丹音乐人通过音乐传达信息 14 International Students Learn Filmmaking in Hollywood 国际学生在好莱坞学习电影拍摄 Unit 8 World Report 世界新闻 1 Two Powerful Earthquakes Strike Chile 两次强震袭击智利 2 Will Sanctions against Russia Work? 制裁俄罗斯会奏效吗? 3 Crimean Lawmakers Vote to Leave Ukraine, Join Russia 克里米亚议会投票决定脱离乌克兰,加入俄罗斯 4 UN Chief Wants 3000 Troops Sent to Central African Republic 联合国秘书长希望向中非共和国再派遣3000名士兵 5 French President's Visit to US Strengthens Ties 法国总统访美以加强两国关系 6 Indian Diplomat Seeks Dismissal of US Criminal Charges 印度外交官寻求美国取消对其刑事指控 7 South Sudan Tells Soldiers to Stop Fighting 南苏丹政府命令士兵停止交火 8 Remembering Nelson Mandela around the World 全球缅怀曼德拉 9 Egyptians Mourn Victims of Recent Violence 埃及人哀悼近期暴力事件受害者 10 Erdogan Rejects Criticism of Turkey Protests 埃尔多安拒绝接受土耳其示威者的批判 11 Iranian Presidential Candidates Hold First Debate 伊朗总统候选人举行首轮辩论 12 Bangladesh Building Collapse Kills More Than 500 孟加拉国建筑倒塌造成超过500人丧生 13 Venezuela Mourns President Hugo Chavez 哀悼委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯 14 Nigeria Welcomes Help in Search for Kidnapped Students 尼日利亚欢迎国际社会帮助搜救被绑架学生