精彩内容 凯撒沙拉制作过程: ①将所有原料准备齐全。 (Prepare all the ingredients.) ②将罗马生菜洗净,切成2cm 左右的长段。在蛋黄酱中加入大蒜末、醍鱼柳碎、帕玛森士粉,搅拌均匀成酱汁。 (Wash Romaine Lettuce and cut them into 2cm length. For preparing the salad dressing, mix mayonnaise with grind garlic, chopped anchovy and Parmesan Cheese Powder.) ③将培根放入煎锅中煎熟。 (Panˉfry the bacon. ) ④将鸡胸肉用基本味腌制(盐、胡椒)后煎至上色,放入烤箱(180℃,烤8分钟),取出冷却后切成片。 (Marinade chicken breast , put it into oven at 180℃ for 8 minutes, take out from oven and cool it, cut them into slices.) ⑤将做好的酱汁放入色拉中搅拌均匀。 (Mix the dressings with salad and stir well.) ⑥后撒上培根片、面包丁、芝士粉,装盘即可。 (Finally sprinkle with bacon slices, diced bread and cheese powder,and it is ready to serve.)