目录 Chapter Ⅰ Introduction to Art Appreciation艺术鉴赏概论 Definition of Art and Its Appreciation(艺术的定义和欣赏) Aesthetic Experience(审美经验) Art Criticism(艺术的批评) Context(创作背景) Formal Quality(形式的特性) Content(内容) Creativity(创造性) Artistic Styles(艺术的风格) Judgment of Art(艺术的评判) Chapter Ⅱ Language of Art-Basic Elements of Design艺术的语汇--设计的基本元素 Lines(线条) Shapes and Forms(平面与立体的形状) Texture(质感/手感) Value(色调/明暗关系) Color(色彩) Mass and Space(块面和空间) Size and Scale(大小与比例) Perspective(透视) Time and Movement(时间和运动) Chapter Ⅲ Language of Art-Principles of Design艺术的语汇--设计的基本定律 Unity(统一性) Variety(多样性) Balance(平衡) Rhythm(节奏) Emphasis(强调) Proportion(比例) Chapter Ⅳ Graphic Media and Methods-Drawing, Printmaking, and Photography平面媒介及其方法--素描、版画制作与摄影 Drawing(素描) Printmaking(版画制作) Art of the Lens(镜头的艺术) Film(电影) Computer Art(电脑艺术) Chapter Ⅴ Painting and Its Approaches-Fresco, Watercolor, Tempera, Oil, andAcrylic绘画媒介及其方法--壁画、水彩、蛋彩、油画和丙烯 Fresco(壁画) Watercolor(水彩) Oil Painting(油画) Acrylics and Other New Materials Mixed Media(综合材料) The Creative Impulse: Picasso and His Guernica(格尔尼卡) Chapter Ⅵ 3-D Art Media-Sculpture艺术的立体媒介--雕塑 Relief and Round(浮雕和圆雕) Techniques of Sculpture(雕塑的技法) Earth Art/Earthworks(大地艺术) Environmental/Site Specific Art(环境艺术/场域特定艺术) Sculptures Driven by Energy(由能量驱动的雕塑) The Art of Fire(火的艺术) Glass(玻璃) Metal(金属) Folk Art and Crafts(民间艺术和手工艺术) Chapter Ⅶ 3-D Art Media-Architecture艺术的立体媒介--建筑 Classical Architecture(古典建筑) Gothic Architecture(哥特式建筑) Modern Architecture(现代建筑) Post-modern Architecture(后现代建筑) Chapter Ⅷ Interpreting Works of Art-Subjects of Art解读艺术作品--艺术的主题 Portrait(肖像) Still Life(静物) Nude Figures(裸体像) Landscape(风景画) Abstract Art(抽象艺术) Calligraphy(书法) Chapter Ⅸ Understanding Works of Art-Styles of Art from Prehistoric to Medieval艺术作品的风格--从史前到中世纪的艺术 The Prehistoric Art(史前艺术) Cave Paintings(洞窟艺术) Mesopotamia(美索不达米亚) Egyptian Civilization(埃及文明) Ancient Greece(古希腊) Ancient Rome(古罗马) Christianity and Medieval Europe(基督教和中世纪的欧洲) Romanesque Style(罗马式风格) Gothic Style(哥特式风格) Chapter Ⅹ Understanding Works of Art-Styles of Art from Renaissanceto Baroque艺术作品的风格--从文艺复兴到巴洛克 The Early Renaissance(早期文艺复兴) High Renaissance in Italy(意大利盛期文艺复兴) The Renaissance in Northern Europe and Venice(北欧和威尼斯文艺复兴) Baroque Art(巴洛克艺术) Baroque in the North(北方的巴洛克艺术) Rococo Art(洛可可艺术) Chapter Ⅺ Understanding Works of Art-Styles of Art during the Modern Age艺术作品的风格-19.20世纪现代艺术 Neoclassicism(新古典主义) Romanticism(浪漫派) Realism(写实主义) Impressionism and Post-Impressionism(印象派和后印象派) The Avant-Garde and Expressionism(先锋派和表现主义) Cubism and Futurism(立体主义和未来派) Suprematism, Constructivism, and De Stijl(至上主义、构成主义和风格派) Fantastic Art, Dada, and Surrealism(怪诞艺术、达达派和超现实主义) Art Since 1945(1945年以来的艺术) Abstract Expressionism(抽象表现主义) Color Field Painting(色场/色域绘画) Hard-Edge Painting(硬边绘画) Op Art(欧普艺术/光效应艺术) Minimalism(极简主义) Pop Art(波普艺术) New Realism(新现实主义) Conceptual Art and Performance(观念艺术和行为艺术) Feminism and Feminist Art(女性主义和女性主义艺术) Post-modernism and Multiculturalism(后现代派和多元文化) Glossary(词汇表)