目录 Preface 1. Introduction Why Data Visualization? Why Write Code? Why Interactive? Why on the Web? What This Book Is Who You Are What This Book Is Not Using Sample Code Thank You
2.Introducing What It Does What It Doesn't Do Origins and Context Alternatives Easy Charts Graph Visualizations Geomapping Mmost from Scratch Three-Dimensional Tools Built with D3
3. Technology Fundamentals The Web HTML Content Plus Structure Adding Structure with Elements Common Elements Attributes Classes and IDs Comments DOM Developer Tools Rendering and the Box Model CSS Selectors Properties and Values Comments Referencing Styles Inheritance, Cascading, and Specificity JavaScript Hello, Console Variables Other Variable Types Arrays Objects Objects and Arrays Mathematical Operators Comparison Operators Logical Operators Control Structures Functions Comments Referencing Scripts JavaScript Gotchas SVG The SVG Element Simple Shapes Styling SVG Elements Layering and Drawing Order Transparency A Note on Compatibility
4. Setup Downloading D3 Referencing D3 Setting Up a Web Server ……