第1章 绪论 Introduction 1.1 土木工程的内涵/l Connotations of civil engineering 1.2 土木工程发展简史 Brief history of civil engineering 1-3土木工程专业及其知识构成 Major civil engineering and its know-ledge composition 1.4 土木工程师的能力素质及职业发展 The competence and career development of civil engineers 1.5 土木工程的发展趋势 The development tendency of civil engi-neering
第2章 土木工程材料 Civil Engineering Material 2.1 土木工程材料分类概述 Classification and overview of CEM 2.2 石材、砖、瓦和砌块 Stone,brick,tile and building block 2.3 胶凝材料 Cementiti0Us material s 2.4 建筑钢材/4l Construction steel 2.5 混凝土及其构件 Concrete and its components 2.6 木材 Timber 2.7 土木工程材料的发展前景 Developing prospects for CEM
第3章 房屋建筑工程 Building Engineering 3.1 荷载 Loads 3.2 基本构件 Basic structural members 3-3建筑物分类 Classification of building 3.4 单层建筑 Single-storey building 3.5 多层和高层建筑 Multi-storey buildings and tall buildings 3.6 特种结构 Special structures 3.7 建筑结构设计 Design for building structures 3.8 未来展望 Future prospects
第5章 市政工程 Municipal Engineering 5.1 城市道路和桥梁 Urban roads and bridges 5.2 城市给排水工程 Urban water supply and drainage engi-neering 5.3 城市燃(煤)气管道和热力管道安装 工程 Urban gas pipelines and heat pipeline installations 5-4城市防洪和防汛工程 Urban flood control projects 5.5 城市园林和绿化工程 City garden and green engineering 5.6 市政工程发展前沿 Frontier development of municipal engi-neering
第6章 建筑环境与设备工程 Building Environment and Equip-ment Engineering 6.1 建筑环境 Building environment 6.2 供暖工程 Heating engineering 6.3 通风工程 Ventilation engineering 6.4 空调工程 Air-conditioning engineering 6.5 建筑给水排水工程 Building water supply and drainage en-gineering 6.6 未来展望 Future prospects
第7章 土木工程防灾与减灾 Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention and Mitigation 7.1 防灾减灾概论 Introduction to disaster prevention and mitigation 7.2 工程灾害与防灾减灾 Engineering disaster and disaster pre-vention and mitigation 7.3 工程结构灾害检测与加固 Disaster detection and reinforcement of engineering structures 7.4 工程防灾减灾的新成就与发展趋势 The new achievements and trends of disaster prevention and mitigation engi-neering
第9章 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering 9.1 岩土工程概述 Overview of geotechnical engineering 9.2 岩土工程勘察 Geotechnical investigation 9.3 基础工程 Foundation engineering 9.4 基坑与地下工程 Foundion excavatin and underground engineering 9.5 地基处理 Ground improvement 9.6 边坡工程 Slope engineering 9.7 岩土工程发展展望 Developing prospects for GE
第10章 现代土木工程建造与管理 Modern Civil Engineering Construc-tion and Management 10.1 绿色建造 Green construction 10.2 虚拟建造 Virtual construction 10.3 建筑信息模型 Building information modeling 10.4 工程全寿命期管理 Whole life cycle management