内容提要 本书是被誉为UNIX编程“”的Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment一书的更新版。在本书第一版出版后的十几年中,UNIX行业已经有了巨大的变化,特别是影响UNIX编程接口的有关标准变化很大。本书在保持了前一版的风格的基础上,根据的标准对内容进行了修订和增补,反映了的技术发展。书中除了介绍UNIX文件和目录、标准I/O库、系统数据文件和信息、进程环境、进程控制、进程关系、信号、线程、线程控制、守护进程、各种I/O、进程间通信、网络IPC、伪终端等方面的内容,还在此基础上介绍了多个应用示例,包括如何创建数据库函数库以及如何与网络打印机通信等。此外还在附录中给出了函数原型和部分习题的答案。 本书内容,概念清晰,阐述精辟,对于所有层次UNIX程序员都是一本不可或缺的参考书。 目录 Chapter1:UNX System Overview 1.1 Introduction 1.2 UNX Architecture 1.3 Logging 1.4 Files and Directories 1.5 Input and Output 1.6 Programs and Output 1.7 Error Handling 1.8 User ldentification 1.9 Signals 1.10 Tine Values 1.11 Systen Calls and Library Functions 1.12 SummaryChapter2: UNIX Standardization and Inplementations 2.1 Introduction 2.2 UNIX Standardization 2.2.1 C 2.2.2 IEEE POSIX 2.2.3 The Single UNIX Specification 2.2.4 FIPS 2.3 UNIX System Implimintations 2.3.1 UNIX System V Releace 2.3.2 4.4BSD 2.3.3 FreeBSD 2.3.4 Linrx 2.3.5 Mac OS X 2.3.6 Solaris 2.3.7 Other UNIX Systems 2.4 Relationship of Standards and Implementations 2.5 Linits 2.5.1 C Limits 2.5.2 POSIX Limits 2.5.3 XSI Limits 2.5.4 sysconf,pathconf,and fpathconf Functions 2.5.5 Indeterminate Runtime Limits 2.6 Options 2.7 Feature Test Macros 2.8 Primitive System Data Types 2.9 Comflicts Between Standards 2.10 SummaryChapter3: File I/O 3.1 Introduction 3.2 File Descriptors 3.3 open Function 3.4 creat Function 3.5 cloce Function 3.6 lseek Function 3.7 read Function 3.8 write Function 3.9 I/O Efficiency 3.10 File Sharing 3.11 Atomic Operations 3.12 dup and dup2 Functions 3.13 sync,fsync,and fdatasync Functions 3.14 fcntl Function 3.15 ioctl Function 3.16 /dev/fd 3.17 SummaryChapter4: Files and DirectoriesChapter5: Standard I/O LibraryChapter6: System Data Files and InformationChapter7: Process EnviromnentChapter8: Process ControlChapter9: Process FelationshipsChapter10: SignalsChapter11: ThreadsChapter12: Thread ControlChapter13: Daemon ProcessesChapter14: Advanced I/OChapter15: Interprocess CommunicationChapter16: Network IPC:SocketsChapter17: Advanced IPCChapter18: Terminal I/OChapter19: Pcerdo TerminalsChapter20: A Database LibraryChapter21: Communicating with a Network PrinterAppendix A. Function PrototypseAppendix B. Miscellaneous Source CodeAppendix C. Solutions to Selected ExercisesBibliographyIndex 作者介绍 W.Richard Stevens备受赞誉的已帮技术作家,生前著有多种经典的传世之作,包括《UNIX网络编程》(两卷本)、《TCP/IP详解》(三卷本)和本书第1版。 Stephen A.Rago资源UNIX程序员,是当年贝尔实验室的UNIX系统V版本4的开发人员之一,著有《UNIX系统V网络编程》,并曾担 序言