内容提要 ATL是一组小而灵活的类,可用于开发COM组件。本书对ATL的内部工作原理做了深入的剖析,详细介绍了关于ATL设计的基础知识和体系结构,展示了ATL如何与COM相匹配,并对一些重要的实施细节做了具体提示。在此基础上,对ATL的一些高级内容和功能做了充分的介绍。更为重要的是,本书还指出了ATL存在的一些缺陷,并告诉读者如何去避免。 本书具有一定的技术深度,适合有经验的COM和VC++程序员阅读。 t Brent Rector is President of Wise Owl Consulting,Inc., a form that specializes in Windows/COM development and consulting.He also teaches classes on COM, ATL,and MTS for DevelpMentor,a leading COM education firm.His previouooks include Win32 Programming ,Developing windows 3 Applications with Microsoft SDK,and Developing Windows 3.1 Applications with Microsoft C/C++.He received the Microsoft Annual MVP award for his contributions to CompuServes Windows forums. Chris Sells Works as an independent consultant specializing in design and development using COM.He is also a COM C++, and ATL instructor for DevelopMentor,where he authored the Essential ATL five-day shor course.His previouooks include Effective COM and Windows Telephony Programming .He is a contributor to the Visual C++ Developers Journal and the Visual C++ Professional newsletter,and a frequent speaker at conferences ,including Software Development,WinDev,and the Visual C++ Developers Conference. 目录