内容提要 Highlights of the book include: A thorough discussioof the key elements;of use cases-actors. stakeholders.desigscope. scenarios, and more A use case style guide with actiosteps and suggested formats Aextensive list of time-saving use case writing tips A helpful presentatioof use case templates. with commentary owheand where they should be employed A provemethodology for taking advantage of use cases With thiook as your guide. you will learthe essential elements of use Case writing. Improve your use case writing skills, and be well oyour way to employing use cases effectively for your next development project 目录 prefaceacknowlegmentschapter 1 introduction1.1 what is a use case (more or less)?1.2 your use case is not my use casesteve adolph: "discovering" requirements inew territory1.3 requirements and use cases1.4 wheuse cases add value1.5 manage your energy1.6 warm up with a usage narrativeusage narative: getting "fast cash"1.7 exercisespart 1 the use case body partschapter 2 the use case as a contract for behavior2.1 interactions betweeactors with goals2.2 contract betweestakeholders with interests2.3 the graphical modelchapter 3 scope3.1 functional scope3.2 desigscope3.3 the outermost use cases3.4 using the scope-defining work products3.5 exerciseschapter 4 stakeholders and actors4.takeholders4.2 the primary actor4.3 supporting actors4.4 the system under discussion4.5 internal actors and white-box use cases4.6 exerciseschapter 5 three named goal levels5.1 user goals (blue, sea-level)5.2 summary level (white, cloud/kite)5.3 subfunctions (indigo/black, underwater/clam)5.4 using graphical icons to highlight goal levels5.5 finding the right goal level5.6 a longer writing sample: "handle a claim" at several leveis5.7 exerciseschapter 6 preconditions, triggers, mld cuarantees6.1 preconditions6.2 ninimal guarantees6.3 success guarantee6.4 triggers6.5 exerciseschapter 7 scenarios and steps7.1 the maisuccess scenario7.2 actiosteps7.3 exerciseschapter 8 extensions8.1 extensio8asics8.2 the extensioconditions8.3 extensiohandling8.4 exerciseschapter 9 technology and data variationschapter 10 linking use cases10.ub use cases10.2 extensiouse cases10.3 exerciseschapter 11 use case formats11.1 formats to choose from11.2 forces affecting use case writing styles11.3 standards for five project types11.4 conclusion11.5 exercisepart 2 frequently discussed topicschapter 12 wheare we done?chapter 13 scaling up to many use gaseschapter 14 crud and parameterized use cases14.1 crud use cases14.2 parameterized use caseschapter 15 business process modeling15.1 modeling versus designing15.2 linking business and system use casesruety walters: business modeling and system requirementschapter 16 the missing requirements16.1 precisioidata requirements16.2 cross-linking from use cases to other requirementschapter 17 use cases ithe overall process17.1 use cases iprojea organization.17.2 use cases to task or feature lists17.3 use cases to design17.4 use cases to ui design17.5 use cases to test cases17.6 the actual writingandy kraus: collecting use cases from a large, diverse lay groupchapter 18 use case briefs and extreme programmingchapter 19 mistakes fixed19.1 no system19.2 no primary actor19.3 too many user interface details19.4 very low goal levels19.5 purpose and content not aligned19.6 advanced example of too much uipart 3 reminders for the busychapter 20 reminders for each use casechapter 21 reminders for the use case setchapter 22 reminders for working othe use casesappendieesappendix a use cases iumla.1 ellipses and stick figuresa.2 uml's includes relationa.3 uml's extends relationa.4 uml's generalizes relationsa.5 subordinate versus sub use casesa.6 drawing use case diagramsa.7 write text-based use cases insteadappendix b answers to (some) exercisesappendix c glossaryappendix d readingsindex 作者介绍