目录 ForewordPart A Methodology1 Identificatioof engineering research fronts1.1 Acquisitioand preprocessing of paper data1.2 Mining of clustered literature topics1.3 Determinatioand interpretatioof research fronts2 Identificatioof engineering development fronts2.1 Acquisitioand preparatioof patent data2.2 Mining of patent topics2.3 Determinatioand interpretatioof development fronts3 Development roadmap4 TerminologiesPart B Reports iDifferent Fields1. Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering1 Engineering research fronts1.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering research fronts1.2 Interpretations for three key engineering research fronts2 Engineering development fronts2.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering development fronts2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development frontsII. Informatioand Electronic Engineering1 Engineering research fronts1.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering research fronts1.2 Interpretations for three key engineering research fronts2 Engineering development fronts2.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering development fronts2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development frontsIII. Chemical, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering1 Engineering research fronts1.1 Trends iTop 12 engineering research fronts1.2 Interpretations for three key engineering research fronts2 Engineering development fronts2.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering development fronts2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development frontsIV. Energy and Mining Engineering1 Engineering research fronts1.1 Trends iTop 12 engineering research fronts1.2 Interpretations for four key engineering research fronts2 Engineering development fronts2.1 Trends iTop 12 engineering development fronts2.2 Interpretations for four key engineering development frontsV. Civil, HydrauIic, and Architectural Engineering1 Engineering research fronts1.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering research fronts1.2 Interpretations for three key engineering research fronts2 Engineering development fronts2.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering development fronts2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development frontsVI. Environmental and Light Textite Engineering1 Engineering research fronts1.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering research fronts1.2 Interpretations for three key engineering research fronts2 Engineering development fronts2.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering development fronts2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development frontsVII. Agriculture1 Engineering research fronts1.1 Trends iTop 11 engineering research fronts1.2 Interpretatiofor three key engineering research fronts2 Engineering development fronts2.1 Trends iTop 11 engineering development fronts2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development frontsVIII. Medicine and Health1 Engineering research fronts1.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering research fronts1.2 Interpretations for three key engineering research fronts2 Engineering development fronts2.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering development fronts2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development frontsIX. Engineering Management1 Engineering research fronts1.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering research fronts1.2 Interpretations for four key engineering research fronts2 Engineering development fronts2.1 Trends iTop 10 engineering development fronts2.2 Interpretations for four key engineering development frontsParticipants of General PlaGroup 作者介绍