内容提要 《新大学英语文化对比阅读(第二版)》自2015年由高等教育出版社出版以来,在全国高校得到广泛使用,受到好评。为了更好地服务国家发展战略,满足新时代外语人才培养的需要,我们对教材进行了修订,调整了单元框架结构,更新了部分单元主题和课文,修订并增补了相关练习题。 《新大学英语文化对比阅读(第二版)》此次修订以对比中外文化、开阔国际视野、增强文化自信、讲好中国故事为宗旨,从教学实际出发,兼顾英语的工具性和人文性,在培养英语阅读能力的同时,帮助学生通过理解、领悟、吸收、鉴赏、评价和探究等阅读活动,分析文化现象,品鉴中外文化,达到丰富思想、训练思维、培养跨文化能力的目的,从而进一步提升综合素养,提高用英文讲述中国故事的能力。 目录 Unit 1 Festival CelebratioExploring the TopicUnderstanding the TextText A Digging Up the Roots of Holiday Traditions: Chinese New YearText B Brave New ChristmasImproving Reading AbilityReading for KnowledgeEnhancing Cultural AwarenessTaking a Global PerspectiveTelling Chinese StoriesAssessing Your LearningUnit 2 Parenting StylesExploring the TopicUnderstanding the TextText A Practice Makes Perfect! Meet the Demanding "Tiger Mothers"Text B America's Four Parenting CulturesImproving Reading AbilityReading for PleasureEnhancing Cultural AwarenessTaking a Global PerspectiveTelling Chinese StoriesAssessing Your LearningUnit 3 Teaching InnovatioExploring the TopicUnderstanding the TextText A China Ramps Up Tech Educatioia Bid to Catch Up oArtificial IntelligenceText B Are College Campuses Obsolete?Improving Reading AbilitySelective ReadingEnhancing Cultural AwarenessTaking a Global PerspectiveTelling Chinese StoriesAssessing Your LearningUnit 4 Fast FoodExploring the TopicUnderstanding the TextText A The Rise of Panda ExpressText B How McDonald's Changed the Way We Eat iBritaiImproving Reading AbilityCritical ReadingEnhancing Cultural AwarenessTaking a Global PerspectiveTelling Chinese StoriesAssessing Your Learning……UNIT 5 Table MannersUNIT 6 Film StarsUNIT 7 Special NumbersUNIT 8 Love StoryUNIT 9 Life StylesUnit 10 New GenerationsKEYS 作者介绍