目录 PrefacePART ONE Introduction 1 Overview of Databases and Transactions 1.1 What Are Databases and Transactions? 1.2 Features of Modern Database and Transaction Processing Systems 1.3 Major Players in the Implementation and Support of Database and Transaction Processing Systems 1.4 Decision Support Systems---OLAP and OLTP 2 The Big Picture 2.1 Case Study:A Student Registration System 2.2 Introduction to Relational Databases 2.3 What Makes a Program a Transaction--The ACID Properties Bibliographic Notes ExercisesPART TwO Database Management 3 The RelationaI Data ModeI 3.1 What Is a Data Model? 3.2 The Relational Model 3.2.1 Basic Concepts 3.2.2 Integrity Constraints 3.3 SQData Definition Sublanguage 3.3.1 Specifying the Relation Type 3.3.2 The System Catalog 3.3.3 Key Constraints 3.3.4 Dealing with Missing Information 3.3.5 Semantic Constraints 3.3.6 User.Defined Domains 3.3.7 Foreign.Key Constraints 3.3.8 Reactive Constraints 3.3.9 Database Views 3.3.1O Modifying Esting Definitions 3.3.11 SOL.Schemas 3.3.12 Access Control Bibliographic Notes Exercises 4 Conceptual Modeling of Databases with Entity-Relationship Diagrams and the Unified Modeling Language 4.1 Conceptual Modeling with the E-R Approach 4.2 Entities and Entity Types 4.3 Relationships and Relationship Types 4.4 Advanced Features in Conceptual Data Modeling 4.4.1 Entity Type Hierarchies 4.4.2 Participation Constraints 4.4.3 The Part.of Relationship 4.5 From E.R Diagrams to Relational Database Schemas 4.5.1 Representation of Entities 4.5.2 Representation of Relationships 4.5.3 Representing IsA Hierarchies in the Relational Model 4.5.4 Representation of Participation Constraints 4.5.5 Representation of the Part—of Relationship 4.6 UML:A New Kid on the Block 4.6.1 Representing Entities in UML 4.6.2 Representing Relationships in UML 4.6.3 Advanced Modeling Concepts in UML 4.6.4 Translation to SQL 4.7 A Brokerage Firm Example 4.7.1 An Entity-Relationship Design 4.7.2 A UML Design 4.8 Case Study:A Database Design for the Student Registration System 4.8.1 The Database Part of the Requirements Document 4.8.2 The Database Design 4.9 Limitations of Data Modeling Methodologies Bibliographic Notes Exercises ……PART THREE Optimizing DBMS Performance and transactiona processingPART FOUR Software Engineering lssues and documentationPART FIVE Advanced topics in databasesBibliographyIndex 作者介绍