内容提要 《实用职场英语读写教程(1)》顺应高职高专教育新的发展趋势,创建“轻松学习、学用结合、职场交融”的教学环境,坚持体现加强听说、加强表达、加强实用的“三加强”原则,培养学生在职场环境下运用英语的能力和自主学习能力,提高学生跨文化交际意识和综合文化素养,为提升学生就业竞争力及其未来的可持续发展奠定基础。 《实用职场英语读写教程(1)》立体化系列教材的编写基于对河南高职院校的广泛而深入的调研,充分考虑本省高职英语教学现状与“三区”建设背景下人才的需求,强调拓展训练的职业性、针对性和丰富性,突出教学的可行性、便利性和有效性,体现“分类指导、因材施教”的原则,使用院校可根据本校实际和培养目标选择相应的级别和教程。 《实用职场英语读写教程(1)》选材体现时代特色,特别针对高职学生的特点和兴趣,以全球视野透视新颖、热门、体现本省特色的话题,把绿色经济、循环经济、低碳经济等内容融入教材主题,引导学生积极思考,传播正能量,以期达到理想的教学效果。 《实用职场英语读写教程(1)》8个单元,每单元提供丰富的练习,旨在提高学生英语读写译的能力。 目录 UNIT 1 Hello, Hi!Sectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I The Business Card: a Social Faux PasPassage II How to Say Hello iDifferent LanguagesSectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT 2 Saying Thanks or SorrySectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Thankyou, Volunteers!Passage II How CaYou Say “Sorry” and Really MeaIt?Sectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT 3 Road Signs and CommutingSectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Funny Road Signs from Around the World!Passage II How Do You Commute to Work?Sectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT 4 Punctuality and CultureSectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Punctuality Pays!Passage II Are you punctual?Sectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT 5 Our Weather and ClimateSectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I We CaMake a DifferencePassage II The British Like Talking About the WeatherSectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT 6 Olympics and SportsSectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Dancing BeijingPassage II Closing Speech by Jacques RoggeSectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT 7 Holiday CelebrationsSectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Christmas Celebrations Around the WorldPassage II WheI Was iAmericaSectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT8 From Fat to FitSectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Don't Wait Until Death Does Its PartPassage II The Loving Heart Will Go OnSectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsVocabularyPhrases and Expressions 作者介绍
序言 UNIT 1 Hello, Hi!Sectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I The Business Card: a Social Faux PasPassage II How to Say Hello iDifferent LanguagesSectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT 2 Saying Thanks or SorrySectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Thankyou, Volunteers!Passage II How CaYou Say “Sorry” and Really MeaIt?Sectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT 3 Road Signs and CommutingSectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Funny Road Signs from Around the World!Passage II How Do You Commute to Work?Sectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT 4 Punctuality and CultureSectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Punctuality Pays!Passage II Are you punctual?Sectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT 5 Our Weather and ClimateSectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I We CaMake a DifferencePassage II The British Like Talking About the WeatherSectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT 6 Olympics and SportsSectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Dancing BeijingPassage II Closing Speech by Jacques RoggeSectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT 7 Holiday CelebrationsSectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Christmas Celebrations Around the WorldPassage II WheI Was iAmericaSectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsUNIT8 From Fat to FitSectio1 Trying Your HandSectio2 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Don't Wait Until Death Does Its PartPassage II The Loving Heart Will Go OnSectio3 Appreciating Culture TipsVocabularyPhrases and Expressions