目录 reading matter 1: overview acknowledgments introductioto the second editionunit 1 communication: talking to each otherchapter 1 reading body language what language does our body speak?is vour face aopebook? chapter 2 communicatioacross cultures haring our worlds twelve languages ione apartment building2 sharing our words speaking “spanglish”inueva vork chapter 3 leave me a messagenotes for anyone, anywhere, anytime creative notes unit 2 the mysteries of sleep chapter 4 sleep: how much is not enough? sleeping less ithe twenty-first centurysleep tipschapter 5 sleep problems 1 how snoring ruined one woman's life ask dr. snow: ann's sleep problem 2 sleeping all day and staying up all night ask dr. snow: 3onathan's sleep cycle problemchapter 6 ujhg do uje dream? the mystery of dreams (1) the meaning of dreams (2) unit 3 relationshipschapter 7 ts dating still the same? dating: what's changed and what hasn't chapter 8 learning to live together 1 preparing for a roommatewriting“the roommate rules”2 preparing for marriage what's your marriage iq? sam telap's wedding chapter 9 neiors ithe neiorhood: modersuccess stories co-housing: a model for the suburbsunit 4 the challenge of sports todag chapter 10 the challenge of the triathlogetting ready for the“ironman”the ironma133chapter 11 looking for excitement 1 ithe winter: the thrill of snowboarding a thrilling sport catches on2 ithe city: climbing the wall overcoming fear the thrill of boarding —— winter and summer chapter 12 training for the olgmpics todag: what does it take?reaching for olympic gold: past and present the difference betweewinning and succeeding unit 5 technologg for todag's world chapter 13 food for the twentg-first centurgwhat's for dinner? a: wheeling water b: a solar cooker chapter 14 new wags to keep itouch 1 cell phones: the pros and conscelt phones: a communications revolutio2 e-: the pros and cons is e- for everyone?new car comforts chapter 15 the internet offers aege oyour world you're only a click away unit 6 leisure chapter 16 todag's workweek: do we need time out? the growth of work taking a trip to“the strip” chapter 17 entertainment choices 1 at home with the tv confessions of a couch potato 2 out at the moviesconfessions of a movie faa hobby for lifechapter 18 meeting at the mall: america's grouuing leisure activitg it's a mall world after allword list 作者介绍 作者:(美国)沃利(Mary Lee Wholey) 编者:王晓燕 高越 改编:孟凡胜 于秀金 序言