内容提要 《语言学理论与流派》注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力和文化鉴赏与批判能力,在教材设计时体现“全球视野,中国视角”的理念,即教材在保持各门课程的思想性和批判性的优良传统外,既向学生提供西方文化背景知识,也引导学生鉴赏和学习我国的文化传统。让学生在多元文化背景下,熟悉掌握中外文化的共同点和差异。在这个基础上,培养学生的鉴别和比较能力,启发和诱导学生进行创新思维。全书共分16章,具体内容包括“TheHistory of Linguistics in China”“The Copenhagen School”“AndreMartinet and Robert deBeaugrande”该书可供各大专院校作为教材使用,也可供从事相关工作的人员作为参考用书使用。 目录 Part One Linguistics in AntiquityChapter One The History of Linguistics Since Plato 1.1 Plato 1.1.1 Function of language 1.1.2 Nature veus conventio 1.1.3 Idea and reality 1.1.4 Denotation and connotatio 1.2 Aristotle 1.2.1 Rhetoric 1.2.2 Rational investigation of language 1.2.3 Categories 1.2.4 Form 1.2.5 Poetics 1.3 The Stoics 1.3.1 Logic 1.3.2 Signification, signifier and the name-bearer 1.4 The Alexandrian School 1.4.1 Meter and poetry 1.4.2 Dionysius Thrax 1.4.3 Apollonius Dyscolus 1.5 Roman linguistics 1.5.1 Varro 1.5.2 Priscia 1.6 Medieval linguistics 1.6.1 Speculative grammar 1.6.2 Modistae 1.7 Cartesian linguistics 1.7.1 Language is human-specific 1.7.2 Mind and body 1.7.3 Mind and ideas 1.7.4 Semantic interpretation veus phonetic interpretatio 1.7.5 Univeality and Port-Royal Grammar 1.8 Historical-Comparative linguistics and Neogrammaria 1.8.1 Historical linguistics 1.8.2 Comparative linguistics 1.8.3 The Neogrammaria 1.9 Linguistics in ancient India ……Chapter Two The History of Linguistics in ChinaPart Two StructuralismChapter Three Saussure: The Path to SynchronyChapter Four American StructuralismPart Three Pionee in FunctionalismChapter Five The Prague SchoolChapter Six The Copenhagen SchoolChapter Seven The London SchoolPart Four FunctionalismChapter Eight Systemic-Functional LinguisticsChapter Nine Andre Martinet and Robert de BeaugrandeChapter Ten American FunctionalismChapter Eleven PragmaticsPart Five GenerativismChapter Twelve Traformational Generative GrammarChapter Thirteen Non-Traformational ApproachesPart Six CognitivismChapter Fourteen Conceptual Metaphor TheoryChapter Fifteen Cognitive Grammar and Cotruction GrammarChapter Sixteen Cognitive Semantics 作者介绍