基本信息 书名:智能中医信息处理技术与应用 定价:49.00元 作者:阿孜古丽·吾拉木,谢永红,张德政 出版社:清华大学出版社 出版日期:2021-08-01 ISBN:9787302582861 字数: 页码: 版次: 装帧:平装 开本:16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 本书是作者团队在中医领域进行了10余年的应用研究,在国家十五、十一五、十二五及十三五计划项目支持下,形成的中医医案处理技术、中药方剂挖掘技术、基于开放知识源及中医文献的知识获取技术以及中医智能辅助诊断系统等技术论文的集成,希望能为从事中医信息化技术学习和研究的国内外相关研究人员、研究生及本科生提供借鉴,也为弘扬中华传统医学做出贡献。 内容提要 The past decades have witnessed the rapid advancements of computational intelligence techniques, including big data, machine learning, and knowledge engineering, in both industrial and academic communities. Specifically, with the diffusion of some computing paradigms such as natural language processing, knowledge graph, reasoning decision, it promotes the computer-assisted diagnosis and treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Through the integration of our research achievements in the field of intelligent information processing on TCM over the last decade, thiook introduces the data processing technologies in TCM medical records and TCM medication, the medical records-based knowledge acquisition, the text-based knowledge acquisition, and the applications of TCM knowledge. We would like to provide a guidance for graduate students, university teachers and professional technicians engaged in knowledge engineering and TCM informatization. 目录