基本信息 书名:分析性写作 定价:49元 作者:[美] 大卫·罗森沃瑟,吉尔·斯蒂芬 著 出版社:北京大学出版社 出版日期:2015-07-01 ISBN:9787301142677 字数:620000 页码:396 版次:5 装帧:平装 开本:16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《英语写作原版影印系列丛书:分析性写作(第5版)》由罗森瓦塞尔等著,北京大学出版社出版,《英语写作原版影印系列丛书:分析性写作(第5版)》是英语写作原版影印系列丛书。 内容提要 分析性写作是一本指导学生用分析性的思维进行创造性地写作的教课书。《分析性写作(第5版 英文)》分为思考分析的习惯、什么是分析及怎么分析、分析运用、论据和论证的结合、论文论点的确立、单词选择、句子精练、写学术论文、搜索引证材料、九个基本写作误区及如何克服等14章。 目录 UNIT Ⅰ THE ANALYTICAL FRAME OF MIND:INTRODUCTION TO ANALYTICAL METHODS CHAPTER 1 Analysis: What It Is and What It Does CHAPTER 2 Counterproductive Habits of Mind CHAPTER 3 A Toolkit of Analytical Methods CHAPTER 4 Interpretation: What It Is,What It Isnt,and How to Do It CHAPTER 5 Analyzing Arguments CHAPTER 6 Topics and Modes of Analysis UNIT Ⅱ WRITING THE ANALYTICAL ESSAY CHAPTER 7 What Evidence Is and How It Works CHAPTER 8 Using Evidence to Build a Paper: 10 on 1 versus 1 on 10 CHAPTER 9 Making a Thesis Evolve CHAPTER 10 Structuring the Paper: Forms and Formats CHAPTER 11 Introductions and Conclusions CHAPTER 12 Recognizing and Fixing Weak Thesis Statements UNIT Ⅲ WRITING THE RESEARCHED PAPER CHAPTER 13 Reading Analytically CHAPTER 14 Using Sources Analytically: The Conversation Model CHAPTER 15 Organizing and Revising the Research Paper: Two Sample Essays CHAPTER 16 Finding,Citing,and Integrating Sources UNIT Ⅳ GRAMMAR AND STYLE CHAPTER 17 Style: Choosing Words for Precision,Accuracy,and Tone CHAPTER 18 Style: Shaping Sentences for Precision and Emphasis CHAPTER 19 Common Grammatical Errors and How to Fix Them 作者介绍 作者:大卫·罗森沃瑟(David Rosenwasser) 吉尔·斯蒂芬(Jill Stephen) 序言