《泥叫叫》讲的是有一位慈祥的泥爷爷,他的手很巧,揉呀、搓呀、捏呀,一团泥巴就变成了各种各样五颜六色可爱又好吹的泥叫。泥叫叫喜欢太阳公公。太阳公公一出来,把泥叫叫晒干,泥叫叫就可以穿上好看的衣服。忽然有一天,空中飘来大片的乌云……泥爷爷不能工作,病倒了。这可急坏了泥叫叫。泥叫叫一起开会,响声入云,终于叫醒了太阳公公。本书通过质朴可爱的人物,细腻写意的描绘,带孩子走进传统中国温暖亲切的乡土世界,是非遗文化与儿童绘本故事美好动人的联结。 Grandpa Clay can make all kinds of clay whistles. When he sells them in the street, children always race to buy them. But he needs Mr. Sun’s help to dry the whistles. Then he can color them. One day, dark clouds floated in the sky. It rained and rained, for goodness knows how many days. The newly made clay whistles were wet and the painted ones were too damp to sell. Grandpa Clay was so worried that he fell ill. So the clay whistles decided to hold a meeting. Can they find a solution?
Wang Zumin is a famous illustrator of children’s books and a senior editor. His works include Flying Eggs and Butterfly Lovers. His picture book Tiger Hill won the Noma Literacy Prize, and I Am a Tiger and I Fear Nothing was displayed in the 2016 Bologna Illustrators Exhibition.