内容提要 本书全面介绍食品化学的基础理论,主要内容包括食品六大营养成分(水分、糖类、蛋白质、脂类、维生素、矿物质)和食品色、香、味成分的结构、性质、在食品加工和保藏中的变化及其对食品品质及安全性的影响;酶和食品添加剂在食品工业中的应用。 目录 Chapter 1 Introductio1.1 Definitio1.1.1 Food and Food Science1.1.2 Food Chemistry1.1.3 Relationship between Food Chemistry and OtherDisciplines1.2 Content and Development of Food Chemistry1.3 Approach to the Study of Food Chemistry1.3. 1 Quality and Safety Attributes1.3.2 Chemical and Biochemical Reactions1.3.3 Effect of Reactions on the Quality and Safety of Food1.3.4 Solve Problems by Analyzing and Controlling the ImportantVariablesGlossaryChapter 2 Water1. 1 Introductio2.2 Physical Properties and Structure of Water2.2.1 Physical Properties2.2.2 Structure of the Water Molecule2.2.3 Water Intermolecular Interactio2.2.4 Architecture of Water2.3 Quantitative Description of Water in Foods2.3.1 Water Content2.3.2 Water Activity2.3.3 Molecular Mobility2.4 Water Activity and Food Properties2.4.1 Freezing2.4.2 Combined Methods Approach to Food StabilityGlossaryChapter 3 Carbohydrate3. 1 Introductio3. 1.1 Definitio3.1.2 Classificatio3.1.3 Function and Distributio3.2 Physical and Chemical Properties3.2.1 Physical Properties3.2.2 Chemical Properties3.3 Common Sugars3.3.1 Monosaccharides3.3.2 Oligosaccharides3.3.3 Polysaccharide3.3.4 Starch3.3.5 Cellulose3.3.6 PectiGlossaryChapter 4 Protei4.1 Introductio4. 1.1 Definitio4.1.2 Classificatio4.2 Compositio4. 2.1 Structure4.2.2 Amino Acids4. 3 Properties4.3.1 Denaturatio4.3.2 Gelatio4.3.3 Emulsifying Properties4.3.4 Foaming Properties4.4 Food Proteins4.4. 1 Animal Proteins4. 4.2 Plant Proteins4.5 Peptides4. 5.1 Properties4.5.2 Bioactive Peptides in FoodGlossaryChapter 5 LipidsChapter 6 VitaminsChapter 7 EnzymesChapter 8 ColorantsChapter 9 FlavorsChapter 10 Food AdditiveReferences 作者介绍