序言 UNIT 01 New Beginnings1.Reading: Forces for Change2.Further Reading: Not So Lucky After All: The Curse of the Lottery WinnersUNIT 02 Child's Play1.Reading: Roald Dahl: The Author Who Understood Children2.Further Reading: A Stroke of Genius: The Child ProdigiesUNIT 03 Clouds othe Horizon1.Reading: Climate Change: Facing the Future2.Further Reading: Extreme ClimatesReview 1(Units 1-3)UNIT 04 Stop the Press1.Reading: Rupert Murdoch: Still Pullingthe Strings2.Further Reading: Scoops and Scandals:Journalism'that MattersUNIT 05 All Dressed Up1.Reading: Unforgivable FashioFaux Pas2.Further Reading: Fashioia CanUNIT 06 Close to.Home or Worlds Apart1.Reading: Body Language: WheCustoms Become Physical2.Further Reading: Child's Play: Kids' Customs Show We're More Similar thaWe ThinkReview 2(Units 4-6)UNIT 07 The Doors of Perception1.Reading: Feeling Colors2.Further Reading: Escaping the LabyrinthUNIT 08 Life othe Edge1.Reading:To the Extreme2.Further Reading: Parkour: The Spirit of FreedomUNIT 09 Unearthing the Past1.Reading: Tales of the Unexplained2.Further Reading: Searching for AtlantisReview 3(Units 7-9)UNIT 10 Health Body, Healthy Mind1.Reading: Exposing the Health Myths2.Further Reading: Hard Core: How to Work Your Essential MusclesUNIT 11 The OpeRoad1.Reading: Going Solo or Grouping Together?2.Further Reading: Underrated CitiesUNIT 12 Places and Spaces1.Reading: Frank Gehry: Master Builder2.Further Reading: Colonial FusionsReview 4(Units 10-12)Glossary