内容提要 本书旨在提供移动商务和支持移动计算与无线技术的相关知识。包含了以下领域知识的整合:移动计算,无线网络,移动技术,移动商业应用。在商业信息系统中便携、移动与无线技术的使用在“移动商务”章节中描述。从广义范围上讲,本书内容涉及:计算,信息技术,信息系统。从专业领域视角上讲,涉及:移动计算,无线计算,移动商务与无线计算系统。为读者理解移动商务与无线计算领域中所应用的设备、技术和系统提供了整体框架。对移动商务与无线计算系统的清晰、集成化理解是建立在对于网络化商业系统活动中的移动设备、技术和系统的深入理解基础之上的。贯穿全书的有各种规模的案例研究,鼓励读者通过自身研究完成这些报告,并用扩展的知识框架来评价问题。各章含有活动练习和习题来巩固学生所学概念、知识集、技术和系统,以期提高未来工作效率和实效性。本书适用于高等院校计算机及相关专业本科高年级或研究生的移动计算、移动商务以及无线通信系统类课程,对从事无线网络、移动技术以及移动商业应用的专业人员也有很好的参考价值。 目录 PrefaceAcknowledgements1 Mobile commerce (M-commerce): definitionsand context 1.1 Defining M-commerce 1.2 A short history of wireless computing 1.2.1 First generation wireless communication 1.2.2 Second generation wireless communication 1.2.3 Third generation wireless communication 1.3 Diffusion of M-commerce innovation 1.4 Obstacles to M-commerce 1.5 The Mobile Internet and mobile information assets 1.6 The untethered Mobile Internet 1.7 M-commerce versus E-commerce 1.8 The wireless world 1.9 Pervasive computing systems, theory and practice 1.10 Trends in mobile and pervasive computing 1.11 Applications of M-commerce 1.12 The trend towards mobile working 1.12.1 Wireless telemetry and wireless telematics 1.12.2 Tracking and monitoring hte modile wordforce 1.12.3 Customer-focused products and services 1.13 Effectiveness and efficiency in mobile domains 1.14 The M-commerce value chain 1.15 Networked wirelesusiness systems 1.16 Bluetooth technology 1.17 Factors determining M-commerce innovation and adoption in the 2t century 1.17.1 Five characteristics of innovation 1.17.2 The socio-technical perspective of technology innovation and adoption 1.18 Conclusions Short self-assessment questions and Group activity References and Bibliography2 Commercial communications and networks 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The nature of commercial communication 2.3 Communication and language complexity 2.4 Information and meaning 2.4.1 Information as channel capacity 2.4.2 Information as a measure of variety 2.4.3 Information as a means of reducing uncertainty 2.4.4 Information as a measure of an agent's ability to estimate a parameter 2.5 Data and knowledge 2.6 Shared meaning 2.7 Communication and information theory 2.7.1 Source 2.7.2 Transmitter 2.7.3 Channel 2.7.4 Noise 2.7.5 Receiver 2.7.6 Destination 2.7.7 Channels and transportation 2.8 Telecommunications and networks 2.9 Media types in telecommunications 2.9.1 Bound media 2.9.2 Unbound media 2.10 Modulation and digitization 2.10.1 Modulation 2.10.2 Digitization 2.11 Communication network infrastructures 2.12 Types of channel 2.12.1 Circuit switching 2.12.2 Packet switching 2.12.3 Protocols and protocol stacks 2.13 The International Standards Organization reference Model 2.13.1 Application Layer 2.13.2 Presentation Layer 2.13.3 Session Layer 2.13.4 Transport Layer 2.13.5 Network Layer 2.13.6 Data Link Layer 2.13.7 Physical Layer 2.14 Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)……3. Wireless protocols: context and usage4. Wireless programming for mobile devices: context and usage5. Operating systems: micro and macro devices6. Personal area and mobile networking7. Wireless applications: push and pull services and products8. Pervasive and embedded mobile systems9. Security in a mobile world10. Enabling the mobile workforce: extending enterpri 作者介绍