内容提要 甄选2014-2018托福考试独立写作真题;涵盖独立写作所有话题;话题高分常用思路清晰梳理;完整呈现所有选题的高分示范文本;精准提炼不错词汇和短语。考生很关心的话题-思路-语料-积累一次性呈现 目录 章 教育类话题1. (20180909) Students should be encouraged to study fields like science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) rather thawhat they have interest in.2. (20160319) Students ia university club want to help others, but they caonly choose one project a year. Which one of the following is the best?3. (20160311) Reading choseby students themselves is as important as, or more important than, reading assigned by teachers.4. (20160228) Nowadays, childrerely too much otechnology.5. (20170325)Which of the following factors do you believe is the most important ihelping students succeed itheir studies at the college or university? Why?6. (20150712) These days, childrespend more time odoing homework or participating iorganized activities related to school or sports. However, they should be givemore time to do whatever they want.7. (20160925) Your university will spend money odormitory to improve the life quality of students. Which of the following do you think is the best way?8. (20171104) High school teachers (teachers of students aged 14-18) spend most of the class time lecturing while the students listeand take notes. Other high school teachers spend most of the class time odiscussioand projects that students are highly involved iand exchange their ideas. Which of these two approaches do you think is more effective for students’ learning and why?9. (20151024) School should focus more oimproving facilities (libraries, computers, or labs) for students thaohiring famous teachers.10. Colleges and universities must do a good job of preparing students for their future career.11. (20130913) Many high school students are doing a lot of schoolwork. However, some people believe that students should help their parents with household chores, since it is the best way to give them a sense of responsibilities. ...... 作者介绍 曾艺超,亦称Damo,6万余人的托福备考社群[美国考试日报]群主。一线托福教学5年,长期追踪托福考试很新考情及趋势,详细整理了100多场托福考试考情回顾,所总结的《大漠点词》每次考试必命中5~12个真题词汇,赢得了托福考生的广泛认可。 序言