内容提要 刘国枝、周铭编著的《英语小说选读》为英语专业本科生选修课教材,也适用于非英语专业学生和自学者的文学阅读与鉴赏。《英语小说选读》旨在通过对小说基本要素或技巧的讲解,引导学习者体验、解读和品鉴英语短篇小说,领略作家的语感、文思和才情,感悟作品所承载的审美价值、文化意蕴和社会历史意义。 目录 Unit 1.Character James Joyce: Araby Katherine Mafield: Miss BrillUnit 2.Plot William Carlos Williams: The Use of Force Shirley Jackson: The LotteryUnit 3.Language and Style John Updike: A & P Ernest Hemingway: The KilleUnit 4.Setting William Faulkner: A Rose for Emily Kate Chopin: The StormUnit 5.Point of view Doris Lessing: The Black Madonna Edgar Allan Poe: The Fall of the House of UsherUnit 6.Symbol Nathanial Hawthorne: Young Goodman Brown Sherwood Andeon: The EggUnit 7.Irony Flannery O'Connor: Good Country People O'Henry: The Cop and the AnthemUnit 8.Theme D. H. Lawrence: The Hoe-Dealer's Daughter Alice Walker: Everyday UseUnit 9. Experimental Technique William Boyd: Beulah Berlin, An A-Z Joyce Carol Oates: Unmailed, Unwritten Lette 作者介绍