1. 澳大利亚语言学教学情况介绍(Linguistics Education in Australia) /1 2. Some Linguistic Differences in the Written English of Chinese and Australian Students /5 3. Aspects of Present-Day Australian English /18 4. 《中澳合作的广阔前景》前言(Foreword to A Bright Prospect of Sino-Australian Cooperation) /28 5. The “West Review”: From the “Discussion Paper” to the “Final Report” /31 6. East Asia Crisis and Australia /54 7. Aspects of Australian Immigration /59 8. Interpreting the “Gang of Nine” /69 9. Crimes in Australia and China /82 10. Globalization and Australia: Significance and Issues /98 11. Globalization and Australia’s Higher Education /112 12. Australia’s National Identity Through the Eyes of the Chinese Youth /129 13. A Survey of Chinese Overseas Students in Australia /141 14. What Does US-Australia Marine Deployment Move Mean to Us? /154 15. Sydney University’s Industrial Actions in 2013 /161 作者介绍 北京大学资深教授,北京大学外国语学院博士生导师。研究方向涉及:国外语言学理论与流派、功能语言学、语用学、文体学、语篇分析、英语教学法、语言规划、符号学等。主要著作《语言学教程》。 序言