基本信息 书名:英美小说与电影 定价:26.00元 作者:张桂珍 编 出版社:北京大学出版社 出版日期:2011-04-01 ISBN:9787301166086 字数:311000 页码:316 版次:1 装帧:平装 开本:32开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《英美小说与电影》是北京市高等学校教育教学改革立项项目,大学英语四级后课程建设研究英语名著与电影系列之一。 内容提要 《英美小说与电影》以对英美文学感兴趣的大学非英语专业的学生为对象,目的是要借助电影向他们介绍英美文学概况和经典作品内容,激发他们阅读英文原著的兴趣,提高他们的语言水平和欣赏能力。 《英美小说与电影》由上下篇八个单元组成,上篇介绍四位英国作家及其代表作,下篇介绍四位美国作家及其代表作。所选作家都是英美文学史上的经典作家,其代表作都有观赏性较强的相应电影。每个单元包括作家作品介绍、小说选读以及多种练习。小说选读部分除了常见的章节选读,还有从小说中选出的与电影重要场景相关的段落,以及可以在讲解或观赏电影时作为参考的重要引语和段落选读。《英美小说与电影》也适合有一定英语基础的文学爱好者。 目录 volume one english novels and filmsunit 1 jane austen and pride and prejudice 1.1 jane austen: life and works 1.1.1 about the author 1.1.2 jane austen's novels 1.2 pride and prejudice 1.2.1 about the novel 1.2.2 characters 1.2.3 selected readings from the novel 1.2.4 exercisesunit 2 charles dickens and oliver twist 2.1 charles dickens: life and works 2.1.1 about the author 2.1.2 charles dickens' major novels 2.2 oliver twist 2.2.1 about the novel 2.2.2 characters 2.2.3 selected readings from the novel 2.2.4 exercisesunit 3 charlotte brontie and jane eyre 3.1 charlotte bronte: life and works 3.1.1 about the author 3.1.2 charlotte bronte's novels 3.2 dane eyre 3.2.1 about the novel 3.2.2 characters 3.2.3 selected readings from the novel 3.2.4 exercisesunit 4 thomas hardy and tess of the d'urbervilles 4.1 thomas hardy: life and works 4.1.1 about the author 4.1.2 thomas hardy's major novels 4.2 tess of the d'urbervilles 4.2.1 about the novel 4.2.2 characters 4.2.3 selected readings from the novel 4.2.4 exercises volume two american novels and filmsunit 5 nathaniel hawthorne and the scarlet letter 5.1 nathanie] hawthorne: life and works 5.1.1 about the author 5.1.2 nathaniel hawthorne's major works 5.2 the scar/et letter 5.2.1 about the novel 5.2.2 characters 5.2.3 selected readings from the novel 5.2.4 exercisesunit 6 mark twain and adventures of huckleberry fin 6.1 mark twain: life and works 6.1.1 about the author 6.1.2 mark twain's major works 6.2 adventures of huckleberry fin 6.2.1 about the novel 6.2.2 characters 6.2.3 selected readings from the novel 6.2.4 exercisesunit 7 edith wharton and the age oflnnocence 7.1 edith wharton: life and works 7.1.1 about the author 7.1.2 edith wharton's major works 7.2 the age of lnnocence 7.2.1 about the novel 7.2.2 characters 7.2.3 selected readings from the novel 7.2.4 exercisesunit 8 f. scott fitzgerald and the great gatsby 8.1 f. scott fitzgerald: life and works 8.1.1 about the author 8.1.2 scott fitzgerald' s major works 8.2 the great gatsby 8.2.1 about the novel 8.2.2 characters 8.2.3 selected readings from the novel 8.2.4 exercises主要参考书目 作者介绍