内容提要 《影响中国外语学习者英语写作的认知因素》结合语言测试、二语写作和认知心理学方面的理论和研究方法,选取母语(中文)写作水平、写作技巧、外语(英语)语言水平以及工作记忆广度为自变量,以限时条件下的英语写作为应变量,通过一系列的测试手段和SPSS数据分析软件,对影响中国学生英语写作的认知因素进行了研究和探讨。 目录 序前言Acknowledgements摘要AbstractList of TablesList of FiguresChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Context of the Study1.2 Purpose of the Study and Research Questions1.3 Significance of the StudyChapter 2 Theoretical Frameworks iL2 Writing Research2.1 Theoretical Frame works iL2 Writing Research2.1.1 Models of Writing2.1.2 Cummins' Hyootheses of Language Transfer2.1.3 Conceptions of Second Language Proficiency and Writing Expertise2.1.4 Working Memory Capacity iWriting2.2 Review of Relevant Studies2.2.1 Research oL1 and L2 Writing Ability and L2 Language Proficiency2.2.2 Research othe Use of Writing Strategies and L2 Writing2.2.3 Research oWorlang Memory Capacity and Writing2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Methodologies and Materials3.1 Participants3.2 Instruments3.2.1 Timed Essay Writing iL1 and L23.2.2 Writing Strategies Questionnaire3.2.3 OperatioSpaTask for Working Memory Capacity3.2.4 Vocabulary Size Tests3.2.5 Timed Grammaticality Judgment Task3.3 Data CollectioProcedures3.4 Scoring3.4.1 Timed Essay Writing iL1 and L23.4.2 Use of Writing Strategies3.4.3 Working Memory Capacity3.4.4 Vocabulary Scores3.4.5 Grammar Score3.5 Variables for Statistical Analysis3.5.1 L2 Writing Ability (EW)……Chapter 4 Statistical Analyses of the Research QuestionsChapter 5 Discussioand Conclusion 作者介绍
序言 序前言Acknowledgements摘要AbstractList of TablesList of FiguresChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Context of the Study1.2 Purpose of the Study and Research Questions1.3 Significance of the StudyChapter 2 Theoretical Frameworks iL2 Writing Research2.1 Theoretical Frame works iL2 Writing Research2.1.1 Models of Writing2.1.2 Cummins' Hyootheses of Language Transfer2.1.3 Conceptions of Second Language Proficiency and Writing Expertise2.1.4 Working Memory Capacity iWriting2.2 Review of Relevant Studies2.2.1 Research oL1 and L2 Writing Ability and L2 Language Proficiency2.2.2 Research othe Use of Writing Strategies and L2 Writing2.2.3 Research oWorlang Memory Capacity and Writing2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Methodologies and Materials3.1 Participants3.2 Instruments3.2.1 Timed Essay Writing iL1 and L23.2.2 Writing Strategies Questionnaire3.2.3 OperatioSpaTask for Working Memory Capacity3.2.4 Vocabulary Size Tests3.2.5 Timed Grammaticality Judgment Task3.3 Data CollectioProcedures3.4 Scoring3.4.1 Timed Essay Writing iL1 and L23.4.2 Use of Writing Strategies3.4.3 Working Memory Capacity3.4.4 Vocabulary Scores3.4.5 Grammar Score3.5 Variables for Statistical Analysis3.5.1 L2 Writing Ability (EW)……Chapter 4 Statistical Analyses of the Research QuestionsChapter 5 Discussioand Conclusion