基本信息 书名:遥感及模式在森林火灾中的应用 定价:198元 作者:(美)曲,(美)萨默斯,(美)杨瑞新 等主编 出版社:清华大学出版社 出版日期:2013-01-01 ISBN:9787302288619 字数:560000 页码:374 版次:1 装帧:精装 开本:16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《遥感及模式在森林火灾中的应用(英文版)》由清华大学出版社出版。 内容提要 Scientists and managers alike need timely, cost-effective, andtechnically appropriate fire-related information to developfunctional strategies for the diverse fire communities. RemoteSensing and Modeling Applications to Wildland Fires addresseswildtand fire management needs by presenting discussions that linkecology and the physical sciences from local to regional levels,views on integrated decision support data for policy and decisionmakers, new technologies and techniques, and future challenges andhow remote sensing might help to address them. While creatingawareness of wildland fire management and rehabilitation issues,hands-on experience in applying remote sensing and simulationmodeling is also shared.This book will be a useful reference workfor researchers, practitioners andgraduate students in the fieldsof fire science, remote sensing and modeling applications. 目录
作者介绍 Professor John J. Qu works at the Department of Geography andGeoInformation Science at George Mason University (GMU), USA. He isthe Founder and Director of the Environmental Science andTechnology Center (ESTC) and EastFIRE Lab at GMU. 序言