Roselita Macaloanez, Brandon Bright, and Gordon Gem are professional high-powered business people who have money and feel as if all three are strong enough to overcome their struggles in life. However, all three cannot see that, just like anybody else, they too can be loved.Roselita, Brandon, and Gordon destroy each other in a tangled web of lies, deceit, and romance.This terrible triangle ruins lives and pits power against money. Could this interfere with their careers while pandering to lustful rage?Although family and friends are for Roselita’s relationship with Brandon, Roselita is determined to be in a relationship with Brandon while secretly seeing Gordon. Roselita knows that love triangles don’t end well. But Roselita is continuing to deceive Brandon and Gordon.As Roselita deals with the daily vortex of her job, family life, and close personal relationships, she struggles to find answers for her love or lust for each man. Roselita’s passion might ultimately consume her.