The fight to hold on to something worthwhile expands and intensifies. Jimmy emerges as the lone leader capable of making a stand and uniting an army. His team of deputies grows in numbers and strength, and their fighting style matures. Deeper understanding of what they are up against on multiple fronts develops, and the storyline is set for book three of the Zwarm trilogy. The images, battle scenes, and what is to come in after are addicting and are a readers delight to get wrapped up in.Captain K. Hutchison, genuine apocalypseMany of us who spend time thinking about the real possibility of societal breakdown are always on the lookout for insightful answers to the big What will happen? What skills can I draw on to get me through when others cannot? Eppeldauers story has the answers! This insightful, inventive, and introspective first book of a trilogy on the struggle against the odds of survival is well within the realms of reality and imagination. It is tense, riveting, and a new interesting take on postapocalyptic dynamics.