Berlien is a part of Australasian dreaming, a series based on the exciting concept of myths and legends in the Australasian region, a place where races of Neanderthals are known as burrun and a small race of humans known as gunyas still exist. Magical beasts of the world's beginning, carrgimin (a type of magical monitor lizard) and magic roam the world. Earth spirits enable the dreaming; a state where magic exists and can change things for good or ill. The Invasion is the first in the series, entering a world of dreaming magic, where a black robed wizard wants to destroy and others defend the lighthouses protecting the dreaming. The great hall of Wilmark is facing a great threat and little can save it or can it? One Yowie (yeti, big foot or many other names) thinks differently. Among it all one burrun is a focus of hatred he doesn't even know about.