Good Intentions is the story of a lowly but compassionate helpmate in the lives of a young family facing devastating circumstances. From four-year-old Luke to fifteen-year-old Celia, life hands them a blow no child should have to endure, let alone six so young in one family. Their courage and the very existence of their family is threatened quickly and swiftly. There is certainly much heartache, but as children being children no matter what, there are happy and even funny times.The common thread in their lives is a much too young helpmate, Penny, who, for some reason, determined to save the family core as much as she can, sets her sights on her planned task, and follows it through. What comes of her plans are strangers from which she seeks help but dealings she cannot accept. There is someone that wants her safe just as she wants the Morgan children intact as a family, but she is desperate to avoid him for he is the one that can tear them apart.