Twenty-four years have passed since the murdered girl was buried.The classmate who confessed to the stabbing is doing time. Bothfamilies moved out of town. Case closed? Justice done? Not so fast.As they converge on their California high school’s 100th anniversarycelebration, cryptic notes are unsettling members of the “Class of‘67”. Some question what they thought they knew.Could a confused Doug Brandling have confessed to murder to coverfor someone? Does his accuser, Elizabeth, really think she got it right?Is Finn, her lover of the time, certain he’s done with Liz? Can old SnubRandall, teacher of the year, keep his hands off his student-conquest?Shouldn’t Monsignor Phelan be able to keep his alterboys straight?Might Farley Pike, the lip flapping sissified-teacher, survive theadvent of Elizabeth? Could Doug ever have his family back? Will the“real” murderer strike again, during the Santa Reina High Centennial?Is it possible for Elizabeth keep her pants on?Satire, angst, ego, and surprise draw the reader through the threedayfete and lives so di erent from one another you wonder how theycould hail from the same town. In Santa Reina, though, everyone hassomething to confess.