Whish't Daddy is a thrilling novel blending all the excitement and pageantry of the Sport of Kings against the back drop of the Irish War of Independence. A race horse for the ages with the unusual name of Whish't Daddy is secretly owned, raised and trained by Frank Walsh and his young son Mickey. Circumventing laws against ownership of property and businesses by the Irish citizenry, Frank and Mickey take the horse racing world by storm but are met by strong resistance from the ruling English aristocracy. While all of Ireland is consumed by the bitter war pitting the Irish Republican Army against British forces and the brutal Black and Tan Auxiliary, Whish't Daddy rises to become the great challenger to War Lord, a tremendous thoroughbred owned by the powerful and influential Lord Montgomery. The violence of the times and an illicit love affair bring tragedy to Frank Walsh's door but young Mickey escapes with his beloved Whish't Daddy and they continue their quest for Irish racing supremacy. Fraught with danger, intrigue and suspense, Whish't Daddy is the story of a boy and his horse, a man and his country, and the ultimate struggle of good to champion over the many forces of evil. Come and take a furious ride down the backstretch of Irish history with our endearing champions, Mick Walsh and Whish't Daddy.