A career where we feel appreciated, useful and accomplishedcan bring out our best, and fulfill us in ways that nothing else can.Whether you’ve been laid off or quit, want to improve a current position,or are ready to embark on a new career path, one of the biggestobstacles to a successful career change is going for what isfamiliar and safe, rather than bravely going for your true dreamor vision or keeping going when it doesn’t arrive right away!This book provides you with a roadmap to clarify what you want,courage to keep taking steps even after rejection, confidence to presentyourself in the best possible light, and energy to keep going untilyou get where you want to go. No amount of information abouthow to write a resume or cover letter, dress for an interview, negotiatea salary raise, or have a di cult conversation with a co-worker beats the effectiveness of believing in what you have to offer andnot settling for less. There’s nothing more e ective or magneticthan a woman or man who’s clear about their own worth and value.TURN will empower you to take your career into your own hands, and,trust me, it should never be anywhere else. You have more choices,opportunities and power than you know. Let’s access them!