I finally found the time to finish the book I promised my grandson to write and tell him how he was born. Every time I started to write, I was confronted with another road block. After my bout with cancer, surgery, chemo, then more surgery, I was never getting it finished. Now, I needed to get the book in print to fulfill my promise to write to my grandson on his ever asking question, Where did I come from, Oma" I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did witting it, and pass it on to your children and grandchildren and it will help answer questions they might have on how they were born. I want to thank Nicholas for never giving up on me and for asking, which gave me the idea for all children to enjoy. I also need to thank my Gynecologist, Dr. Jeffrey B. Frank, affiliated with the Reading Hospital and Medical Center for proof-reading the accuracy of my details, my friend Gloria who continued to encourage me to get it finished. This was truly a love of children that keep me writing to help parents that simply do not know what to say to their children on the subject. Thank you for taking the time to read this book, enjoy the story of Where Did I Come From, Oma?..."