This book unravels the mysteries of the current energy crisis and argues that solutions to global warming will come only from the development of new technologies. Discussed here are the reasons why petroleum operations, as they are now,? ?are not sustainable, how each practice treads an inherently implosive path, and how each spells irreversible damage to the planet's ecosystem. Fossil fuel consumption is not the culprit, but, rather, the practices involved from exploration to refining and processing are responsible for the current damage to the environment. Focusing on long-term solutions that should "green" all of the petroleum industry's practices, the book follows the theory of inherent sustainability, showing why current practices are fundamentally flawed and why new proposals to salvage efficiencies offer little hope for remedying the situation. The authors discuss global warming and its apparent relationship with petroleum operations, providing a detailed analysis of greenhouse gas emission ranging from pre-industrial and industrial ages to the golden petroleum era. A newly developed theory is included which shows that carbon dioxides from some sources do not contribute to global warming. Here - for the first time - carbon dioxide is characterized based on various criteria such as the origin, the path it travels, isotope numbers and age of the fuel source from which it is emitted. This book offers unique solutions to overcome major obstacles by developing genuinely green technologies that satisfy the new sustainability criteria, are highly efficient, and produce zero waste. Various energy technologies are ranked based on their global efficiency in this book, and it also compares petroleum operations with other energy development technologies, including solar and biofuel energy systems.