Organic Lasers describes the latest advancements in the development of organic lasers, one of the most challenging issues of the early part of this century. Two major interests of these lasers'' sources have drawn considerable attention, the low cost of organic materials and the large emission of these materials that can cover the entire visible spectrum. In addition to that, the simplicity of the fabrication processes and their ease of implementation are also of particular interest. The authors discuss using organic molecules as an alternative to compensate for the scarcity of raw semiconductor materials. Despite the progress made in recent years, the organic laser diode (OLD) under electrical pumping is still underdemonstrated. This is particularly due to the intrinsic properties of organic compounds which suffer from strong absorptions and low electrical performances (low charge motilities, low current density, etc.). This book reports an overview of the most important developments of organic sources, especially in the field of OLD with an original approach based on both the research of material and device issues. * Describes the latest advancements in the development of organic lasers, one of the most challenging issues of the early part of this century* Provides detailed description of material features * Features the state-of-the-art of organic sources and their potential applications* Contains several topics currently under development