The fate of Mother Earth Ocean relies on a bold experiment involving the lucid dreaming and destiny of a single human child. The path taken will challenge the dark powers threatening the survival of all life by the 'Monsters of No Consequence'.The essence of wonder and the element of doubt are embedded deep within the inner child in every human being. On their journey of truth and revelation Wonder and Double Doubt draw on this principal, gathering powerful allies in pursuit of their mission. Unexpectedly joined by an ancient friend they face riddles, twists, turns of fate and magical mythological creatures.Traversing the formidable vistas of a young child's lucid dreaming, the reunited trio seek to restore the connection between the realm of All That Isand Mother Earth Ocean. One action, one thought, can change the ways of all "There has to be a more loving dream, a dream that appeals to the hearts of humans. There is I know, a more refined dream, which appeals to the human